@jrbourbeau Whatever version of `coiled-runtime` first includes this change should enforce a pin on the `coiled` package to whatever version includes the changes to accomodate this.
> If you have a "regularized regression" model that takes a formula and always wants to have redundancy removal eliminated, then you want something like an extra option to dmatrix...
On the question of specifying this stuff in the formula vs. as an argument to `dmatrix`: Really, both seem helpful. If there are good ways to specify in the formula,...
Sorry, I've caused the thread to look confusing by leaving a comment suggesting Rhat and then changed my mind and deleted it right away (since I figured you guys are...
It's definitely fine if you work based on the paper or book instead of the code.
You need to do `Pkg.clone("https://github.com/benhamner/MachineLearning.jl.git")`
@ian-r-rose is this something you're still interested in? The dashboards for Coiled clusters are now SSL and behind a token authentication (like `https://cluster-abcde.dask.host/status?token=SOME_TOKEN`), so at the moment Coiled doesn't work...
@ncclementi I'd like to demo Coiled's "package sync" feature (should be interesting even for folks not planning to use Coiled).
Looks like I renamed it in https://github.com/dchudz/predcomps/commit/058479962a89699fde7816f0750988f5dcd365f6#diff-9e92e2ad43213e97c50eebca185a98b1, but still have some old documentation lying around. Sorry!
Is this closed by https://github.com/dchudz/predcomps/pull/5 ?