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Expose SNMP sensors to MQTT


Expose SNMP sensors to MQTT.


log: debug # Optional: debug, info, warning or error (default: info)

    host: # Optional: broker URL or IP address (default: localhost)
    port: 1884 # Optional: broker port (default: 1883 or 8883 for TLS connections)
    username: my_user # Optional: broker user (default: none)
    password: my_password # Optional: broker password (default: none)
    client_id: snmp2mqtt # Optional: client ID (default: snmp2mqtt)
    keepalive: 30 # Optional: keepalive in seconds (default: 10)
    clean: true # Optional: clean session (default: true)
    retain: true # Optional: retain (default: true)
    qos: 2 # Optional: QoS (default: 0)
    ca: /cert/ca.pem # Optional: CA for TLS connection (default: none)
    cert: /cert/cert.pem # Optional: certificate for TLS connection (default: none)
    key: /cert/key.pem # Optional: private key for TLS connection (default: none)
    reject_unauthorized: true # Optional: if not false, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. Override with caution (default: true when using TLS)

    discovery: true # Optional: enable Home Assistant discovery (default: false)
    prefix: "home-assistant" # Optional: Home Assistant MQTT topic prefix (default: homeassistant)

    - host: # Required: target IP address
      name: Raspberry Pi # Optional: target name
      scan_interval: 30 # Optional: fetch interval in seconds (default: 10)
      device_manufacturer: Raspberry Pi # Optional: set the device manufacturer in Home Assistant
      device_model: 3 Model B # Optional: set the device model in Home Assistant
      suggested_area: Bedroom # Optional: set the area in Home Assistant
      auth_key: password # Optional: set the auth password for SNMPv3
      auth_protocol: sha # Optional: set the auth protocol for SNMPv3, one of sha or md5
      priv_key: password # Optional: set the privilege password for SNMPv3
      priv_protocol: des # Optional: set the privilege protocol for SNMPv3, one of des, aes, aes256b or aes256r
      version: "3" # Optional: 1, 2c or 3 (default: 1)
          - oid: # Required: SNMP oid
            name: Raspberry Pi Uptime # Required: sensor name
            unit_of_measurement: days # Optional: set the unit of measurement in Home Assistant
            transform: "value / 6000" # Optional: a transform function written in JavaScript
            icon: mdi:calendar-clock # Optional: set an icon in Home Assistant
            binary_sensor: false # Optional: whether to expose the sensor as a binary sensor in Home Assistant

    - host:
      name: Raspberry Pi 2
      version: 2c
          - oid:
            name: Raspberry Pi 2 Uptime
            unit_of_measurement: days
            transform: "Math.floor(value / 6000 / 60 / 24)"
            icon: mdi:calendar-clock

          - oid:
            name: Raspberry Pi 2 CPU
            unit_of_measurement: "%"
            transform: "100 - value"
            icon: mdi:cpu-64-bit

Running the app

The easiest way to run the app is via Docker Compose, e.g.

version: "3"
        container_name: snmp2mqtt
        image: dchesterton/snmp2mqtt:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
            - ./config.yml:/app/config.yml

Buy Me A ~~Coffee~~ Beer 🍻

A few people have kindly requested a way to donate a small amount of money. If you feel so inclined I've set up a "Buy Me A Coffee" page where you can donate a small sum. Please do not feel obligated to donate in any way - I work on the app because it's useful to myself and others, not for any financial gain - but any token of appreciation is much appreciated 🙂