aspia copied to clipboard
Linux support
Just an issue for anyone interested to track.
:+1: for linux/BSD support could be used for package creation 📦
Interested. Not just linux but OSX also. A remote desktop app these days needs to be cross platform.
Really interested. For Linux, BSD and OSX
Very interested. Linux, OSX
"Aspia Console" works great on Linux with Wine
Tested: Debian 9 and Manjaro, with the portable and the installer.
Clipboard and File Transfer also works!
Hello: Excuse me: where is the third_party library file below the Linux version? Can you provide the following steps? The above thank you
Since Aspia (apparently) uses Qt, it should be possible to make it work natively on operating systems other than Windows.
I'd like to possibly work on native Linux and macOS ports. (Depending on how much time I have to do it, of course.) I can contribute that code back to this project. Also would like to update Aspia to work through a STUN/TURN server so a direct LAN or VPN connection to the host would be unnecessary.
But I also would like to create a branded Windows client, and do some other things that would mainly be for my benefit and the benefit of the customers I support. And I note that the GPL license would require me to contribute all of that work back to the project too.
What I'm wondering is if the core is, or can be, licensed under the LGPL. I have no problem contributing core updates, patches, etc.
And I note that the GPL license would require me to contribute all of that work back to the project too.
It does not require to contribute back. Just pass sources to customers with same GPL license. (There is possibility, that changed sources won't be available to wider auditory, if client won't release it or pass further.)
Oops! I misspoke. Thank you for the correction, and your prompt reply.
So, If I understand the GPL correctly (and I'm not sure I do) -- if I'm selling software based on the GPL'd code, I have to make my modifications available.
I don't necessarily want to make changes available if they only benefit me. For example, for my clients, I would want to update the console and host to include my name and branding.
I have clients whose computers I manage remotely. I would be distributing the modified host software to them, at no cost to them (I need to come up with a way to get the host and console working through NAT first).
Do I need to make the sources available if I'm just distributing the software, not selling it? The way I'm interpreting it, I do have to make the sources available if I'm selling it OR distributing it, but not if I'm providing a service based on it (And I WOULD be providing such a service, but it would require people to download the host and install it).
I should emphasize that if I successfully port the host and/or console to other platforms, and/or come up with a workable solution to get around NAT issues, I absolutely want those changes to become part of this project, because the community in general will benefit from the changes. In that case, whether or not I need to distribute sources becomes irrelevant.
My question really only applies to changes I make that I don't plan to contribute back to the community.
if I'm selling software based on the GPL'd code, I have to make my modifications available.
Not only modifications, you must provide sources to client or make it available on first request. You must not release changes to everyone, only to the peer.
For example, for my clients, I would want to update the console and host to include my name and branding.
It's ok, just make sure client can get sources (even for such non-functional change).
Do I need to make the sources available if I'm just distributing the software, not selling it?
Yes, in any case. If you pass or sell or share GPL program, make sure you give them sources or link where they can download sources or note that they can request sources from you (it is also possible AFAIK).
if I'm providing a service based on it
If you host service based on aspia (like nat server or proxy or whatever), and users use it, you do not need to give them sources. The license responsible for this is AGPL, but aspia has only GPL. You just need to provide sources to host part of tool set (e.g. host.exe, console.exe) - what users download from you.
Right - when I said "modifications", I meant the source code. Anyhow...
I think the answer is... if I have some functionality I don't want to distribute under the GPL, it needs to be included in a completely separate binary, built from code that isn't forked from Aspia.
I can make that work.
Thank you.
I need to come up with a way to get the host and console working through NAT first
if I have some functionality I don't want to distribute under the GPL, it needs to be included in a completely separate binary, built from code that isn't forked from Aspia.
And that code must not use any GPL components, classes, program interfaces.