Dan Cernoch
Dan Cernoch
Add remarks about github native SBOM and your use of the SPDX standard for output in the final product.
Move to LME 2.0 Epic/Milestone
Make part of LME 2.0
Nico Vivero will work on this as well
Add Children: - [ ] Determine target audience and goals - [ ] Secure by default architecture (podman/secure storage/compose) - [ ] Easy Deployment and Stable/Sane Upgrade/Management - [ ]...
@[cbaxley](https://github.com/cbaxley) cbaxley [on Jan 13](https://github.com/cisagov/LME/issues/161#issuecomment-1890418349) Member I would like to get the functions into a library at least. We have to be careful when moving functions into libraries with bash....