Davide Ceresoli
Davide Ceresoli
It should work but I have to update my compiler. Beware that gipaw is not GPU-aware yet.
I'm out of office for the next two weeks. I'm looking into it ASAP
The compilation of qe-gipaw could be activated in the QE conda recipe. I've seen they use cmake, and I need to test building gipaw with cmake. If it will work,...
Can you try now? I fixed and uploaded new tar.gz files to the release.
Dear Lars, tomorrow I'll try to fix both issues. Thank you for pointing out!
thank you for pointing out, I'm working on it
Hi. I don't understand your issues. Are those issues related to qe-7.2? or to qe-7.3.1? can you send me your input/output files? and describe what are you doing in detail....
Grazie 1000!
No idea, I'll try