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Laravel package for working with Xero API
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Laravel package for working with the Xero API
Watch a video walkthrough
Xero API documentation can be found at:
Before you can integrate with Xero you will need to create an app, go to to register a new app.
For the grant type select, Auth code (web app)
For OAuth 2.0 redirect URI enter the full URL you want to use for connection to Xero from your application such as
You can install the package via composer:
composer require dcblogdev/laravel-xero
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\Xero\XeroServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Encrypt Tokens at rest
You can enable token encryption at rest by setting the following in your .env file:
this will use the native Laravel Crypt library to ensure the tokens are encrypted at rest.
You can publish the migration with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcblogdev\Xero\XeroServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After the migration has been published you can create the tokens tables by running the migration:
php artisan migrate
.ENV Configuration Ensure you've set the following in your .env file:
To restrict access to routes only to authenticated users there is a middleware route called XeroAuthenticated
Add XeroAuthenticated to routes to ensure the user is authenticated:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'XeroAuthenticated'], function()
To access token model reference this ORM model:
use Dcblogdev\Xero\Models\XeroToken;
To set the tenant call setTenantId
and pass in your tenant_id
Once set all calls will use the set tenant.
Refresh Token
When using Xero as a background process, tokens will need to be renwed, to automate this process use the command:
php artisan xero:keep-alive
This will refresh the token when its due to expire.
Its recommended to add this to a schedule ie inside App\Console\Kernal.php
add the command to a schedule.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
A routes example:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function(){
Route::get('xero', function(){
if (! Xero::isConnected()) {
return redirect('xero/connect');
} else {
//display your tenant name
return Xero::getTenantName();
Route::get('xero/connect', function(){
return Xero::connect();
Or using a middleware route, if the user does not have a token then automatically redirect to get authenticated:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'XeroAuthenticated']], function(){
Route::get('xero', function(){
return Xero::getTenantName();
Route::get('xero/connect', function(){
return Xero::connect();
Once authenticated you can call Xero:: with the following verbs:
Xero::get($endpoint, $array = [])
Xero::post($endpoint, $array = [])
Xero::put($endpoint, $array = [])
Xero::patch($endpoint, $array = [])
Xero::delete($endpoint, $array = [])
The second param of array is not always required, its requirement is determined from the endpoint being called, see the API documentation for more details.
These expect the API endpoints to be passed, the URL is provided, only endpoints after this should be used ie:
Is Connected
Anytime you need to check if Xero is authenticated you can call a ->isConnected method. The method returns a boolean.
To do an action when a Xero is not connected can be done like this:
if (! Xero::isConnected()) {
return redirect('xero/connect');
To disconnect from Xero call a ->disconnect() method.
The disconnect will send a POST request to Xero to revoke the connection, in addition, the stored token will be deleted.
Typically you only want to run this is there is a connection, so it makes sense to wrap this in a ->isConnected() check:
if (Xero::isConnected()) {
Xero provides a clean way of working with Xero contacts.
To work with contacts first call ->contacts() followed by a method.
List Contacts
To list contacts call the contacts()->get() method.
Xero docs for listing contacts -
The optional parameters are $page and $where. $page defaults to 1 which means being back on the first page, for additional pages enter higher page numbers until there are no pages left to return. The API does not offer a count to determine how many pages there are.
Xero::contacts()->get(int $page = 1, string $where = null)
$where allows for filter options to be passed, the most common filters have been optimised to ensure performance across organisations of all sizes. We recommend you restrict your filtering to the following optimised parameters.
Filter by name:
Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'Name="ABC limited"')
Filter by email:
Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'EmailAddress="[email protected]"')
Filter by account number:
Xero::contacts()->get(1, 'AccountNumber="ABC-100"')
View Contact
To view a single contact a find method can be called passing in the contact id
Xero::contacts()->find(string $contactId)
Create Contacts
To create a contact call a store method passing in an array of contact data:
See for the array contents specifications
Update Contact
To update a contact 2 params are required the contact Id and an array of data to be updated:
See for details on the fields that can be updated.
Xero::contacts()->update($contactId, $data);
Xero provides a clean way of working with Xero invoices.
To work with invoices first call ->invocies() followed by a method.
List Invoices
To list invoices call the invoices()->get() method.
Xero docs for listing invoices -
The optional parameters are $page and $where. $page defaults to 1 which means being back on the first page, for additional pages enter higher page numbers until there are no pages left to return. The API does not offer a count to determine how many pages there are.
Xero::invoices()->get(int $page = 1, string $where = null)
$where allows for filter options to be passed, the most common filters have been optimised to ensure performance across organisations of all sizes. We recommend you restrict your filtering to the following optimised parameters.
Filter by status:
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Status="AUTHORISED"')
Filter by contact id:
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Contact.ContactID=guid("96988e67-ecf9-466d-bfbf-0afa1725a649")')
Filter by contact number
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Contact.ContactNumber="ID001"')
Filter by reference
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Reference="INV-0001"')
Filter by date
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Date=DateTime(2020, 01, 01)')
Filter by type
Xero::invoices()->get(1, 'Type="ACCREC"')
View Invoice
To view a single invoice a find method can be called passing in the invoice id
Xero::invoices()->find(string $invoiceId)
Online Invoice
For invoices created that have a status of either Submitted, Authorised, or Paid an online invoice can be seen by calling onlineUrl passing in the invoiceId
Create Invoice
To create a invoice call a store method passing in an array of invoice data:
See for the array contents specifications
Update Invoice
To update an invoice 2 params are required the invoice Id and an array of data to be updated:
See for details on the fields that can be updated.
Xero::invoices()->update($invoiceId, $data);
PDF resources
Some Xero resources support being downloaded as PDF. To do this you can:
$pdfInvoice = Xero::get("invoices/{$invoiceId}", null, true, 'application/pdf');
$pdfInvoice['body']; // will be the pdf as a pdf string for you to write out to storage etc.
Change log
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited.
Contributions are accepted via Pull Requests on Github.
Pull Requests
Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the
and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date. -
Consider our release cycle - We try to follow SemVer v2.0.0. Randomly breaking public APIs is not an option.
One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] email instead of using the issue tracker.
license. Please see the license file for more information.