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Example of a Virtual Platform implemented with Modern C++(14) and SystemC TLM-2.0


Table of Contents

  • About the Project
  • The Grand Design
    • Block Diagram
    • Memory Map
    • Design Notes
    • Module Status
    • To Do List, Wishlist and Issues
  • Rules, Conventions, and Guidelines
  • Instructions for Building
  • About THIS document and Markdown


Important notes


The current state of this project is Alpha! In other words, there are lots of potholes and several places I have intentions to do some rather major fixups. Notably, I will be refactoring the TLM-2.0 implementation to reflect a much simpler way of including bus interfacing for both the Initiator and Target. This project is being released now because it has been too long since I've updated it.


If you have an interest in actively contributing to this project, please contact me directly. There are plenty of modules that need to be developed. A primary and important aspect of this project is to maintain the

About the Platform Project

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This directory contains a basic SystemC design using TLM-2.0 with a single top-level module and a practical main implementation that validates each step, and provides an execution summary including timing/performance information. If errors are detected, main exists with a non-zero status.

This project has several goals:

  1. Provide an example of a complete TLM-2 virtual platform for study using Modern C++.
  2. Should be able to demonstrate Blinky and Hello-world tests.
  3. Provide examples of different techniques of modeling.
  4. Loosely-timed and Approximately-timed models of initiators, interconnect and targets
  5. The absence of real clocks using the no_clock channel and the global distribution mechanism
  6. Resets and Power domain modeling
  7. Processor implementation with an ISS and support for interrupts
  8. Provide the basis for "Easier SystemC" templates.
  9. Several approaches to configuration

At any point in time, this project represents a set of ideas in the making, and not expected to be complete. Various authors may contribute to this effort, and as such, coding guidelines have bee provided here-in. It is important that this code be model code and meet high levels of documentation and formatting to make it easy to understand. Comment blocks are highly encouraged.

Definition: Modern C++ means use of features introduced in the C++ standards from 2011, 2014 and 2017. Of course, we do not mean to be completely indiscriminate in this. Features should be used when they provide some advantage. Any one of the following may be deemed an advantage.

  1. Simplify the code and make it easier to understand
  2. Provide coding safety against mistakes
  3. Improve performance or functionality

Of course there may occasionally be some disagreement in which case there should proceed some discussion and perhaps even more comments in the code to help the reader.


The Grand Design

Block Diagram

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  • Names inside the boxes are instance names.
  • Names outside the boxes are part of a module name.
  • Blocks with an exclamation mark (!), either generate or receive interrupts.
  • Dotted boxes indicate a power or reset domain


|                                                                  |
|    SystemMgr            Mcu                                      |
|     +-----+             +-----+   +-----+                        |
|     | sys |             |mcu2 >---> mbx >------.                 |
|     +-----+             +-----+   +-----+      |                 |
| Mcu                                            |                 |
| +----------------------------------------------^---------------+ |
| |......................                        |             r0| |
| |:  Cpu   r1: Dma   r2: Pic       Gpio         |     Crypto    | |
| |:  +-----+ : +-----+ : +-----+   +-----+      |     +-----+   | |
| |:  ! cpu ! : | dma ! : ! pic !   | gio !      x----->crypt!   | |
| |:  +--v-v+ : +v-^-v+ : +--^--+   +--^--+      |     +-----+   | |
| |:     | |  :..|.|.|..:    |         |         |               | |
| |:     | |  :  | | |       |         |         |               | |
| |:     |<|-----' '-x-------x---------x---------x     SBus      | |
| |:     | |  :              |         |         |     +-----+   | |
| |:  Mmu| '------.          |         |         x-----> spi !   | |
| |:  +--v--+ :+--v--+    +--v--+   +--v--+      |     +--v--+   | |
| |:  ! mmu ! :| tcm |    | ssd |   |flash|      |        |      | |
| |:  +v---v+ :+-----+    +-----+   +-----+     S|   .----'      | |
| |:  P|  S|  :Memory     Ssd       Flash       o|   | Environ   | |
| |:   |   |  :                                 u|   | +-----+   | |
| |:.--'   |  ...............................   t|   x-> env |   | |
| |:| Cache|  : Ssd   r4: Mouse r5: Keybd r6:   h|   | +-----+   | |
| |:| +----v+ : +-----+ : +-----+ : +-----+ :    |   |           | |
| |:| | l2c | : | thb | : | ptr | : | kbd | :   B|   | +-----+   | |
| |:| +--v--+ : +--^--+ : +--^--+ : +--^--+ :   u|   '-> gps |   | |
| |:|    |    :....|....:....|....:....|....:   s|     +-----+   | |
| |:'--->|    :    '---------x---------'         |     Gps       | |
| |:.....|....:              |                   |               | |
| |   Bus|      Disk      Usb|      Bus          |     Memory    | |
| |   +--V--+   +-----+   +--^--+   +-----+      |     +-----+   | |
| |   | nth |   | dsk !   | usb !   | sth >------x-----> ddr |   | |
| |   +--V--+   +--^--+   +--^--+   +--^--+      |     +-----+   | |
| |      |         |         |         |         |               | |
| |      x---------x---------x---------x         x--------.      | |
| |      |         |         |         |         |        |      | |
| |      |         |    .....|.........|.....    |        |      | |
| |      |         |    :    |         |  r3:    |        |      | |
| |   +--v--+   +--v--+ : +--v--+   +--v--+ : +--v--+  +--v--+   | |
| |   | ram |   | rom | : | net !   | vid ! : | tmr !  | ser !   | |
| |   +-----+   +-----+ : +-----+   +-----+ : +-----+  +-----+   | |
| |   Memory    Memory  : Wifi      Video   : Timer    Uart      | |
| |                     :...................:                    | |
| |                                                              | |
| +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |


Memory Map

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Block Base Address Bus Size Irq Module
cpu 0xF000'0000 - 128 - Cpu
rom 0x0000'0000 NTH 96M - Memory
ram 0x1000'0000 NTH 128K - Memory
ddr 0x2000'0000 NTH 256M - Memory
tmr 0x4000'0000 sth 32 2 Timer
gio 0x4000'1000 sth 32 3 Gpio
crypt 0x4000'2000 sth 2K 4 Crypto
pic 0x4000'3000 sth 1K 5 IrqCtrl
dma 0x4000'4000 sth 32 1 Dma
flash 0x4000'5000 sth 4K 13 Flash
spi 0x4000'6000 sth 32 6 SBus
ser 0x4000'7000 sth 32 7 Uart
mbx 0x4000'7000 sth 32 14 Mailbox
dsk 0x4008'0000 NTH 1K 8 DiskC
net 0x4008'1000 NTH 32 9 Wifi
mmu 0x4008'2000 NTH 32 10 Mmu
usb 0x4008'3000 NTH 32 11 Usb
ssd 0x6000'0000 sth 2M 14 Ssd
flash 0x8000'0000 sth 1G 8 Flash
vid 0xC000'0000 NTH 16M 12 Video
gps spi:0x0 spi 32 - Gps
env spi:0x100 spi 32 - Environ
ptr usb:0 usb 32 - Mouse
kbd usb:1 usb 32 - Keyboard
thb usb:2 usb 32G - Ssd
nth 0x0000'0000 - 4G - Bus
sth 0x4000'0000 - 64K - Bus
l2c n/a - - - Cache
prc n/a - - - Proc
mcu1 n/a - - - Mcu
mcu2 n/a - - - Mcu
sys n/a - - - SystemMgr


Design Notes

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  • Main buses are designated as North (nth), and South (sth)
  • North bus is closest to the "main" processor (cpu)
  • System clock 400MHz
  • Processor is RISC (cm0+ or possibly w/ FPU e.g. Arm cm4f)
  • Cpu tasks provide initiator behaviors (e.g. memory test, processor emulation)
  • NTH is 32 bits 100MHz
  • STH is 16 bits 50MHz
  • rom is a type flash (fast write)
  • flash is paged slower flash with separate controls
  • Gpio has 64 pins and can additionally be stimulated or record from/to files
  • Terminal communicates via TCP sockets
  • Video reads/writes files
  • Wifi sends/receives from web
  • Timer is expandable (1-16)
  • Memory has read-only option & supports DMI
  • Mmu has zero latency
  • DiskCtrl reads/writes real files
  • Dma has configurable # channels (1-16)
  • Pic accepts N sources, simple priority interrupt controller
  • Serial I/O configurable baud
  • Eventually Video or Wifi may become a hierarchical sub-system
  • Eventually one of the buses will become customized
  • Order of development is TBD, but simplest first
  • Four power regions labeled r0 through r6
  • One hierarchical boundary in the Proc_module represented by r1
  • SystemManager manages clocks/power/resets


Module Status

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Each module will its status noted here. The following states are allowed:

  • Thought - placeholder from this document not yet tackled
  • Concept - documentation has begun
  • Started - initial coding (some files in various states)
  • Basic - basic functionality achieved with minimal coding
  • Tested - extensive testing completed
Class or Module Short Description About State
Bus_module Interconnect Y Basic
Cpu_module Initiator Y Basic
Memory_module Target RAM Y Basic
Timer_module Target timer Y Basic
no_clock Substitute clock Y Basic
Mailbox_module Hardware communication between processors Y Concept
Excl_filter Implements non-locking bus mutual exclusion. Y Started
Excl_extn Request mutual exclusion. Y Started
Dma_module Target/Initiator Y Concept
Pic_module Priority Interrupt Controller Y Started
Power class Model power regions Y Started
Reset class Model resets Y Concept
Report routines Simplify reporting Y Basic
Secure_extn Identify transactions to secure areas. Y Started
Task_manager Access tasks by name Y Concept
Wallclock Platform independent timing Y Concept
Cache_module Implement an associative cache Y Concept
Cache_extn Used to perform cache actions Y Started
Mmu_module MMU/MPU implementation Y Started
Config_extn Used to interrogate instances Y Basic
armv6m task Cpu task to emulate Arm Cortex-M0+ ISS Y Started
memory_test Cpu task to test memory block Y Basic
timer_test Cpu task to test timer block Y Basic
Timer behavior Behavior of timer used by Timer_module Y Basic
Timer_api API used Timer_test Y Basic
hexfile utils Save/load/dump hex data Y Basic
Signal class Specify how to handle CTRL-C Y Basic
Interrupt_channel Carry interrupts between modules Y Basic
Summary class Summarize execution TBS Concept
Netlist class Dump netlist into output TBS Basic
sc_main Beyond basics. TBS Concept
Top_module Module connectivity TBS Basic
Proc_module Hierarchical TLM TBS Thought
Disk_module Disk simulation using file system TBS Thought
SBus_module Serial interconnect (SPI or I2C) TBS Thought
Crypto_module Cryptography unit TBS Thought
Gpio_module General purpose I/O Y Basic
Gpio_extn GPIO extension to read/write from/to files Y Started
Ssd_module Solid state memory (possibly sophisticated) TBS Thought
Flash_module Flash memory unit (various types modeled) TBS Thought
Environ_module Environment sensors (temp, magnetic, ...) TBS Thought
Usb_module USB interconnect TBS Thought
Video_module Video display (possibly GPU too) TBS Thought
Uart_module Serial port TBS Started
Gps_module GPS location TBS Thought
Wifi_module WiFi using network to simulate TBS Thought
Proc_module Simple hierarchical wrapper TBS Thought
Mcu_module Simple hierarchical wrapper TBS Thought
Mailbox_module Mailbox for heterogenous interconnect TBS Thought
SystemMgr_module System manager for clocks/power/resets TBS Thought
News report handler extensions TBS Started
RgbLED_module Simulate a single RGB LED. Not TLM-2 N Basic
Fanout Expands from sc_bv[N] to sc_bit[N] TBS Basic
{:TBS:} {:TBS:} TBS {:TBS:}


To Do List

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In order of priority:

  1. Abstract TLM connetivity into protocol specific submodules with simpler API
    1. Base_protocol
    2. APB_protocol
    3. AXI_protocol
  2. Finish pic_api.h and add pic_test.cpp.
  3. Add gpio_api.h and add gpio_test.cpp.
  4. Finish Uart_module
  5. Add Dma_module
  6. Add dma_api.h and dma_test.cpp
  7. Add power-down capability (?use CCI?) with reset
  8. Add timing to AT mode of Bus_module with analysis port support
  9. Implement filter interconnect
  10. Implement a CPU emulation (e.g. armv6m or Mini32)
  11. Modify configuration to support CCI parameters
  12. Update licensing/copyright info (Doulos Inc.)
  13. Update doxygen
  14. Add static checking (?cccc)


  1. Add fancy report handler with XML option and expectations for error injection
  2. Consider refactor Cpu_module to use PIMPL and separate API and tests.
  3. Consider refactor Memory_module to use PIMPL
  4. Add a shell interface and a scripting language for use in a CPU thread. LUA, Python or TCL.
  5. Add a Stack_module (LIFO).
  6. Add Global class to replace g_ variables and provide better control/observation. Or use CCI.
  7. Apb2tlm_adapter and Tlm2apb_adapter
  8. Axi2tlm_adapter and Tlm2axi_adapter

Issues and ideas

Add liberally here if you have contribution permissions; otherwise, use GitHub issues.

  • More collaborators might be good
  • Testing needs to go deeper
  • Stronger emphasis on the <AS-IS> state of the project.

See Also


Rules, Conventions, and Guidelines

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  • Documentation will be maintained in GitHub style Markdown
    • ABOUT_{:NAME:}.md will document each module
  • C++14 standard will be the minimum C++ standard level used.
  • Header filenames have suffix .hpp unless purely C11 compatible.
  • Compiled C++ filenames have suffix .cpp unless purely C11 compatible.
  • Raw pointers and arrays will be avoided. Instead use std::unique_ptr<>, std::shared_ptr<>, std::vector<>, etc. when possible. References are better than pointers of any type.
  • cstdint will be preferred over built-in types.
  • Destructors will be defined. default is allowed if no allocations need to be managed.
  • TLM Base Protocol will be preferred.
  • Ignorable extensions will be preferred.
  • Underscores will be used to separate words.
  • User-defined types (e.g. classes, structs, enums) will start. with use Name case.
  • enum class will be preferred over simple enum
  • Methods and variables will be lowercase.
  • UPPERCASE may be used for labels, enumeration values and constants only.
  • and will be preferred over &&.
  • or will be preferred over ||.
  • not will be preferred over !.
  • Leading or trailing underscores \_ will NEVER be used together (i.e. a_ and _a are legal, but _a_ is not).
Pre/Suf Use
_api initiator methods/constants
_beh behavioral implementation
_delay relative simulation sc_time
_channel channel (usually primitive)
_extn tlm_extension
_if interface class for channels
_method SC_METHOD
_module sc_module
_port sc_port
_rtl RTL implementation
_socket TLM socket
_t typedef
_thread SC_THREAD
_time absolute simulation sc_time
_xport sc_export
g_ global variables
get_ const accessor method
is_ returns bool status
m_ class member attributes
_ptr pointer to object
s_ class static attributes
set_ modifying accessor method


Numerous extras have been added including:

  • report.h is provided to simplify message reporting. See report.h comments for more information.
  • configuration.h and config/configuration.cpp provide a generalized configuration mechanism that used to configure memory maps and other features.
  • proxy.h and proxy.cpp supply a proxy for modules that do not have Configuration built in.


Instructions for Building

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  • Cmake is used to configure.
  • SystemC version 2.3.2 or better
  • C++14 or better
  • Boost libraries

If you would like to contribute, you should also have:

  • git
  • astyle


  1. Open a terminal and navigate into the build/ directory located where this file is located.
  2. Configure by typing cmake ..
  3. Build code with make or make all
  4. Alternately, build and run with make run
  5. To pass arguments to run, use env ARGS="-your args" make run
  6. To cleanup after running, use make clean A slightly more automated approach uses some scripts located in the bin/ directory. A setup.profile bash script should be sourced to set environment variables; however, it will need some tweaking. For one thing, it uses modulecmd to setup C++ (clang), SystemC and Boost environment.


To be determined


About Markdown

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This document is maintained with the rest of the project on GitHub at

Tip: If you are reading this document in VIM (or any variant) text, you will notice unique labels in this document. For instance, this section starts an HTML anchor with an attribute value inside double quotes. If you are in Vim (vi or gvim too), you can place the cursor on the word and press asterisk *, which will take you to the table of contents. Another press will bring you back. So you can quickly navigate anywhere from the table of contents! :-)

This document was created as a MarkDown text file.

Reasons for GitHub Markdown include:

  • Very simple - relatively intuitive and easy to learn
  • No special tools - works for any text editor across platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac, iPhone)
  • Supports code syntax highlighting
  • Easy to integrate into web-pages
  • Easy to convert to Word, PDF, Pod, Tex, HTML
  • Wide spread support in the programming community
  • Small files
  • VERY portable


The end