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Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts

Results 24 tailwind-merge issues
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This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more. ## Awaiting Schedule These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to...


I already had issues with export handling in the past. Would be nice to check in CI whether the package exports are connected to the built files correctly. Related: #92,...

New units are added to WebKit, so I should add them here as well. E.g. lvh, svh, dvh, lvw, … Sources: - https://webkit.org/blog/12445/new-webkit-features-in-safari-15-4 - https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#viewport-variants - https://caniuse.com/?search=dynamic%20viewport

feature request

This is about essentially reverting https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/pull/128. I did the original PR because I wanted to reduce the install size of the npm package. But the problem isn't the size of...

feature request

Renovate thinks that updating from `0.0.0-dev.69dd04bd93c53125994f4812789645635bfa7d6b` to `1.6.0` is a major update which is not true [here (private link)](https://github.com/risecal/risecal/pull/2356). I should add the actual package version to the dev releases.

feature request

> **Note** > If you are affected by this, please let me know in a comment. Currently the library is transpiled with the default browserslist config which means it is...

feature request

### Describe the bug It seems that somehow my classes get added multiple times to my component. ### To Reproduce Have a component, e.g: SecondaryButton.vue ```vue import { twMerge }...


Will it be possible to add additional functionality to TWM so that's it's able to get the current class assigned given a property name? As well as remove a specific...

feature request

Just stumbled across https://tsdocs.dev/docs/tailwind-merge and thought that it would be nice to have more inline documentation for tailwind-merge in the editor with TSDoc. I could add some base docs with...

feature request

### Describe the bug ![image](https://github.com/dcastil/tailwind-merge/assets/146917451/9fdfa802-38ce-4648-ad2f-94bd9e2c1391) build failed Type error: ',' expected. ### To Reproduce ### Expected behavior removing the type can solve the issue on the local but on vercel...
