QtXlsxWriter copied to clipboard
.xlsx file reader and writer for Qt5
Hi, I am writing the data into excel using write(). The particular excel is already having the existing excel styles applied. But after write and save styles are removed.
##### I fond some question When i tested the example of extractdata/main.cpp ``` QXlsx::Document xlsx; xlsx.write("A1", "Hello Qt!"); xlsx.write("A2", 12345); xlsx.write("A3", "=44+33"); xlsx.write("A4", true); xlsx.write("A5", "http://qt-project.org"); xlsx.write("A6", QDate(2013, 12, 27));...
hi, try start project QT += xlsx and in console see `:-1: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: xlsx` possible its error in perl 1) perl -v `perl -v This is...
:-1: error: Failed to run: perl -w C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\syncqt.pl -module QtXlsx -version 0.3.0 -outdir "E:/workspace/workspace for Qt/build-qtxlsx-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-Debug" E:/workspace/workspace for Qt/QtXlsxWriter-master. How to slove this problem?
水平有限,没有找到xlsx的*.qch 帮助文档。qtcreator里面F1之后,没有帮助文档感觉不方便。哪位大牛给发一份,谢谢。 Email: [email protected]
is it can delete,copy,create row or column?
xlsxzipreader.cpp: 在成员函数‘void QXlsx::ZipReader::init()’中: xlsxzipreader.cpp:51:67: 错误: 请求从‘QVectorQZipReader::FileInfo’转换到非标量类型‘QListQZipReader::FileInfo’ QListQZipReader::FileInfo allFiles = m_reader->fileInfoList(); make: **\* [.obj/xlsxzipreader.o] 错误 1 May I ask how to solve this
Hi, We use qtxlsx to save various strings, some of which may contain ASCII control characters (most often 0x11). In LibreOffice, such a document will display only empty cells from...
this is the code: ``` QXlsx::Document xlsx("month.xlsx"); xlsx.saveAs("Test.xlsx"); ``` There are some DiagonalBorder cells int all sheet of month.xlsx,but the diagonal lost in Test.xlsx. Is this a bug?or i code...
Hi, I found a couple of issues with save() and saveAs(). If I open a existing file, write some data in some sheets and save it using save(), the data...