QtXlsxWriter copied to clipboard
.xlsx file reader and writer for Qt5
1. compling src to qtxlsx.dll in qt5.12 .... is ok 2. it is used under VC2017 Debug Mode, when leave the function , the APP is crashed. but it is...
All working but not background color how to fix it. ConditionalFormatting cf; Format fmt; fmt.setBorderStyle(Format::BorderDashed); fmt.setBorderColor(QColor(0x99, 0xbb, 0xff)); fmt.setFontColor(QColor(0, 0, 0x80)); fmt.setFillPattern(Format::PatternSolid); fmt.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(0xcc, 0xee, 0xff)); cf.addRange("A1:A10); cf.addHighlightCellsRule(ConditionalFormatting::Highlight_Expression, "A1 1", fmt);
I wrote a script to extract the data from the .txt file into .xslx and to draw the graphs. The script is that every new data set is extracted to...
Hi, I have met issues when I tried to install QtXlsx in my system (Qt5.9.2). Could some one give me idea to solve the problem? The output is shown as...
Hi, I have created a pie chart by using Qt xlsx; but cannot set the corresponding legends ! Is there any function to set the legends in Qt xlsx ??...
I have a question. How do I know the size of the image to insert into the cell? I want the image size to exactly match the cell area.
I am attempting to set the border style, and color of a cell to that of another cell, and nothing appears to happen.
added: - printOptions; - pageSetup; - pageMargins; missing: - headers and footers;