David Buezas
David Buezas
Hi there 👋 Do you get this when loading HA via the app only or also over these browsers?
I don't have an iPad so this is a bit of a blind shot: Please upgrade to 1.3.3-RC and let me know if it works now (go to HACS/front-end integrations/plotly...
Uhm. I see no clue there, but I doubt it is HACS related. I'll need to see the console to know what the error is. You could try this: https://blog.chromium.org/2019/03/debugging-websites-in-chrome-for-ios.html?m=1...
Alright, that's good. Can you keep the debugger tab open and reload the other tab with home assistant? Btw: good call blacking sensitive data!
Ok, the only option left to get a better console is this one: https://www.lifewire.com/activate-the-debug-console-in-safari-445798
Closing this one, let me know if the issue persists.
Yes, I really wish plotly had that option. Here's the relevant request https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/issues/887 One workaround is for me to update the ranges AFTER the user interaction, which will make the...
D3 decides how to present numbers but you can override everything. Via a hover template: https://plotly.com/javascript/hover-text-and-formatting/#hovertemplate Let me know is you succeed :) One extra caveat is that numbers are...
Very interesting idea. I'll modify the lambdas so they can return z values to enable this. For standard cases, it would probably be better to control it through purely through...
Hey @emufan I'm working on a new feature that allows adding lambdas in any property of the entity. This will allow for what you are requesting. For the heat map,...