> Doesn't the same argument apply when returning an object from beforeSave? The object can be the same, whether it's returned from beforeFind or afterFind, in both cases the client...
> How does a developer know the requirements for composing query results It's only possible to return Parse Objects, and `objectId`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt` etc are set by default, so it...
It’s probably worth mentioning that the same concerns regarding fields, matching className, etc, apply to the current implementation of the afterFind trigger - there aren’t any restrictions what can be...
Is this in progress at all?
Change the test command to; ``` NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first jasmine ``` or change database uri to ipv6
I think that a rebuild is probably a good idea. Even though it will be a lot of work, the current project is a bit all over the place, and...
Dismissing review until we consider how `objectId` is impacted
Updated the syntax so the full Parse Object is passed through: ```js "validator": (row, field) => row.get(field) > new Date("2025") ```
Didn't seem to run for me, perhaps my branch is outdated
It would be relating to `masterKeyIps`, If you have a look at the Parse Server logs, it should tell you the IP that was rejected. Adding that to the `masterKeyIps`...