Daniel (dB.) Doubrovkine
Daniel (dB.) Doubrovkine
We're waiting for your PR @mcmegavolt !
@rgalanakis Care to PR a fix?
If you add that in your app, I assume you get that behavior and everything works with Grape's `format :xml`?
@agileanimal should make that call - at the least he/we might want to document this
@mbleigh Right on.
@SegFaultAX I feel that your proposal does the same job as Grape formatters, in possibly a more elegant way. I would be open to allow blocks for formatters in Grape...
So we had an interesting chat here with some action items. Where're my pull requests? What I am paying you guys for? j/k :)
You have a class `Users` that exposes `items` as itself it seems, that is indeed why. You need a `User` class to expose each entity.
First, I think you're right there's a bug in the documentation, but I didn't try. In your code you cannot expose `:events` as `API::Entities::Events` because that's the same class :)...
I like it. Can you please fix the build (RuboCop) and update CHANGELOG?