beep copied to clipboard
Beep sound library and utility for alerting end of a command execution. Beep can also play MIDI or text music score.
Beep is a sound utility initially developed for alerting the end of a long running command execution.
Now beep can also play a MIDI file/URL or text music score with natural voices. To play demo music, run:
$ go install
$ ~/go/bin/beep # play beep sound
$ ~/go/bin/beep -vd # download natural voice files
$ ~/go/bin/beep -m demo1 # play demo music by Mozart
$ ~/go/bin/beep -m demo2 # play Passacaglia - Handel Halvorsen
Play demo #1 with piano voice ▶
Play demo #2 with piano voice ▶
Library Usage
package main
import (
func main() {
music := beep.NewMusic("") // output can be a file "music.wav"
volume := 100
if err := beep.OpenSoundDevice("default"); err != nil {
if err := beep.InitSoundDevice(); err != nil {
beep.PrintSheet = true
defer beep.CloseSoundDevice()
musicScore := `
A9HRDE cc DScszs|DEc DQzDE[|cc DScszs|DEc DQz DE[|vv DSvcsc|DEvs ]v|cc DScszs|VN
A3HLDE [n z, |cHRq HLz, |[n z, |cHRq HLz, |sl z, |]m pb|z, ]m |
A9HRDE cz [c|ss DSsz]z|DEs] ps|DSsz][ z][p|DEpDQ[ [|VN
A3HLDE [n ov|]m [n | pb ic| n, lHRq|HLnc DQ[|
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(musicScore))
go music.Play(reader, volume)
Building from Source
On Linux:
$ apt-get install golang libasound2-dev # for Debian and Ubuntu
$ apk add alsa-lib-dev # for Alpine linux
$ go build ./cmd/beep
$ cp beep /usr/local/bin/ # as root
On Windows: Requires git (, MinGW and Go compiler (
Run Git Bash,
$ export GOPATH=$PWD/beep
$ go get -u -v -d
$ cd beep
$ ./build.bat
$ cp bin/beep.exe /c/Windows/System32
beep [options]
-c=1: beep count
-d="default": audio device, Linux example: hw:0,0
-f=523.25: frequency in Hertz (1-22050)
-h: print help
-l: beep per line from stdin
-m: play music from sheet file, reads stdin if no arguments given (see beep notation)
-p=0: print demo music sheet by number (1-2)
-t=250: beep time duration in millisecond (1-60000)
-v=100: volume (1-100)
-b: send bell to PC speaker
-q: quiet stdout while playing music
-n: print notes while playing music
-o=file: output music waveform to a WAV file. Use '-' for stdout
-w: start beep web server
-a ip:port: web server address (default
-vd [name ..]: download voice files, if no names given, downloads all voices
-mp=file: play a MIDI file
-mu=URL: play a MIDI file from URL
-mn=file: parses MIDI file and print notes
-play=notes: play notes from command argument
-battery: monitor battery and alert low charge level
Beep notation
To play music with beep, music score needs to be converted into text. Beep uses its own music notation called beep notation. All music octaves are divided into computer keyboard keys similar to piano key layout. All 88 piano notes can be played as following.
$ beep -play 'H0,l.HLq2w3er5t6y7ui9o0p[=]azsxcfvgbnjmk,l.HRq2w3er5t6y7ui9o0p[=]azsxcfvgbnjmk,l.H7q2w3er5t6y7ui'
Uppercase "H" letter is a control key that changes the current octave. Lowercase letters are notes. Using all control keys shown below are used to convert musical notation.
Piano key map:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|2|3| |5|6|7| |9|0| |=|a|s| |f|g| |j|k|l| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
q - middle C (261.6 hertz)
Left and right hand keys are same. Uppercase
letters are control keys. Lowercase letters
are music notes. Space bar is current duration
rest. Spaces after first space are ignored.
Lines start with '#' are ignored.
Control keys:
RW - whole rest
RH - half rest
RQ - quarter rest
RE - eighth rest
RS - sixteenth rest
RT - thirty-second rest
RI - sixty-fourth rest
DW - whole note
DH - half note
DQ - quarter note
DE - eighth note
DS - sixteenth note
DT - thirty-second note
DI - sixty-fourth note
DD - dotted note (adds half duration)
H0 - octave 0 keys
HL - octave 1, 2, 3 (left hand keys)
HR - octave 4, 5, 6 (right hand keys)
H7 - octave 7, 8 keys
T# - where # is 0-9, default is 4 (1 unit speeds up/down by 4%)
SA# - attack level, where # is 0-9, default is 8
SD# - decay level, 0-9, default 4
SS# - sustain level, 0-9, default 4
SR# - release level, 0-9, default 9
VD - Computer generated default voice
VP - Piano voice
VV - Violin voice (WIP)
VN - If a line ends with 'VN', the next line will be played
harmony with the line.
C# - Play next # notes as a chord, where # is 2-9.
For example C major chord is "C3qet"
A# - Changes current amplitude, where # is 1-9, default is 9
| - bar, ignored
' ' - space, ignored
Tab - tab, ignored
# - a line comment
## - start or end of a block comment
Demo music #1
# Mozart K33b
A9HRDE cc DScszs|DEc DQzDE[|cc DScszs|DEc DQz DE[|vv DSvcsc|DEvs ]v|cc DScszs|VN
A3HLDE [n z, |cHRq HLz, |[n z, |cHRq HLz, |sl z, |]m pb|z, ]m |
A9HRDE cz [c|ss DSsz]z|DEs] ps|DSsz][ z][p|DEpDQ[ [|VN
A3HLDE [n ov|]m [n | pb ic| n, lHRq|HLnc DQ[|
A9HRDE cc DScszs|DEc DQzDE[|cc DScszs|DEc DQz DE[|vv DSvcsc|DEvs ]v|cc DScszs|VN
A3HLDE [n z, |cHRq HLz, |[n z, |cHRq HLz, |sl z, |]m pb|z, ]m |
A9HRDE cz [c|ss DSsz]z|DEs] ps|DSsz][ z][p|DEpDQ[ [|VN
A3HLDE [n ov|]m [n | pb ic| n, lHRq|HLnc DQ[|
A9HRDS DERE] DS][p[ |][p[ ][p[ |DE] DQp DEi|REc DScszs|cszs |cszs|DEcDQzDE[|REv DSvcsc|DEvs ]v|VN
A3HLDE DEcHRq HLvHRw|HLbHRe HLvw|cHRq HLic|[n ]m |z, |]m |zn z, |sl [, |z. DQp |
A9HRDE REc DScszs|DEcz [c|REs DSsz]z|DEs] ps|DSsz][ z][p|DE[DSitDQr|VN
A3HLDE z, ]m |[n ov|]m [n |pb ic|nz sc |DQn [|
A9HRDS DERE] DS][p[ |][p[ ][p[ |DE] DQp DEi|REc DScszs|cszs |cszs|DEcDQzDE[|REv DSvcsc|DEvs ]v|VN
A3HLDE DEcHRq HLvHRw|HLbHRe HLvw|cHRq HLic|[n ]m |z, |]m |zn z, |sl [, |z. DQp |
A9HRDE REc DScszs|DEcz [c|REs DSsz]z|DEs] ps|DSsz][ z][p|DE[DSitDQrRQ|VN
A3HLDE z, ]m |[n ov|]m [n |pb ic|nz sc |DQn [RQ|
Play with default voice ▶
Play with natural piano voice ▶
View music score
Demo music #2
# Passacaglia - Handel Halvorsen
# DQ - 130
A4HLDE z,HReq yqeq |HLz,HReq yqeq |HLz,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|
# 5
A6HRDE uxzx ]x[x |pxox ixux |yz]z [zpz |oziz uzyz |DQz DEa= DQDDa DEz|VN
A4HLDE pmHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|icmb HRqHLbmb|[nmHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,[ HRwHLn,n|pb .k HReHLk .k|
# 10
A6HRDW z |DEcioi pi[i|]izi xici |xuiu oupu |[u]u zuxu |VN
A4HLDE z,HReq yqeq|HLz,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|]mHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|icmb HRqHLbmb|
# 15
A6HRDE zyuy iyoy |py[y ]yzy |DQz DEa= DQDDa DEz|DWz |DEcH7qHR.H7q HR,H7qHRmH7q|VN
A4HLDE pbHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,n HRwHLn,n|pb .k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|z,HReq yqeq |
# 20 8
A6HRDE nH7qHRbH7q HRvH7qHRcH7q|HRx.,. m.n. |b.v. c.x. |z,m, n,b, |v,c, x,z, |VN
A4HLDE ov,n HRwHLn,n |pmHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|icmb HRqHLbmb|[nmHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,[ HRwHLn,n|
# 25 8
A6HRDQ , DEkj DQDDk DE,|DW, |DEH7qHRcvc bcnc|mc,c .cH7qHRc|.xcx vxbx |VN
A4HLDE pb.k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|HLz,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|]mHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|
# 30 8
A6HRDE nxmx ,x.x |.zxz czvz |bznz mz,z |DQ, DEkj DQDDk DE,|DW, |VN
A4HLDE icmb HRqHLbmb|pbHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,n HRwHLn,n|pb .k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|
# 35
A6HRDE iici xizi|]i[i pioi |uuxu zu]u |[upu ouiu |yyzy ]y[y |VN
A4HLDE z,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|pbHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|icmb HRqHLbmb|pbHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|
# 40 # 8va---------------------------
A6HRDE pyoy iyuy |DQy DE65 DQDD6 DEy|DWy |DEcH7qHRx. z,]m|[npb ovic |VN
A4HLDE ov,n HRwHLn,n|pb.k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|HLz,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|
# 45 8
A6HRDE x.z, ]m[n|pbov icux |yzt] r[ep |woqi uHL.HRyHL,|HRDQy DE65 DQDD6 DEy|VN
A4HLDE z,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|]mHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|ob,n ,n,n |pb.k HReHLk .k|
# 50
A6HRDW y |DEicxc zc]c|[cpc ocic |uxzx ]x[x |pxox ixux |VN
A4HLDE z,HReq yqeq|HLz,HReq yqeq|HLov,n HRwHLn,n|pmHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|icmb HRqHLbmb|
# 55
A6HRDE yz]z [zpz |oziz uzyz |DQz DEa= DQDDa DEz|DWz |DEcioi pi[i|VN
A4HLDE [nmHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,[ HRwHLn,n|pb .k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|HLz,HReq yqeq|
# 60
A6HRDE ]izi xici |xuiu oupu |[u]u zuxu |zyuy iyoy |py[y ]yzy |VN
A4HLDE ov,n HRwHLn,n|]mHRwHL. HRtHL.HRwHL.|icmb HRqHLbmb|pbHRqHL, HRrHL,HRqHL,|ov,n HRwHLn,n|
# 65
A6HRDQ z DEa= DQDDa DEz |DWz |DEicxc zc]c|[cpc ocic|uxzx ]x[x|VN
A4HLDE pb .k HReHLk .k|z,HReq yqeq|HLDWC2,z |C2vo |C2m] |
# 70
A6HRDE pxox ixux|yz]z [zpz|oziz uzyz|DQz DEa= DQDDa DEz|DWz |VN
A4HLDW C2ci |C2n[ |C2vo |C2bp |C2,z|
Play with default voice ▶
Play with natural piano voice ▶
View music score
Natural Voices
Beep uses computer generated voices if no voice files exist. A voice file is a ZIP file that contains sound samples of all notes that the music instrument can play. By downloading and placing voice files in specific locations can improve music sound quality.
To download voice files, run:
$ beep -vd # downloads all voice files
$ beep -vd piano # piano only
$ beep -vd piano violin # piano and voice files
Voice files can also be downloaded manually. Move the files to location below after downloading:
Voice files:
Piano voice: (13MB)
Violin voice: (6.9MB)
Voice file location:
Windows: C:\Users\{username}\_beep\voices\
Linux: /home/{username}/.beep/voices/
Web Interface
Playing a music sheet from command line can be slow to start, because voice
files are loaded at startup for every time running beep.
Beep has a built-in web server for playing and storing music sheets.
The web server loads voice files only once and uses them for all playback.
To start the web interface, run:
$ beep -w
C:\>beep -w
then open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4444
. If the web interface
needs to be accessible from other computers, run:
$ beep -w :4444
$ beep -w -a # for public access
Usage Examples
$ cp -vr directory target; beep
$ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -acodec libmp3lame sound.mp3; beep -t 3000
# use '&' symbol instead of ';' on Windows
C:\>dir /s \windows\*.cpl & beep
# alarm for download completion
$ curl -O; beep -c 4 -f 1000
# monitor battery and alarm low level
$ beep -battery
# beep for every text file found under home
$ find ~ -name '*.txt' | beep -l
# set an alarm for 1 hour from now
$ sh -c 'sleep 3600; beep -t 300 -c 6' &
# play all piano notes
$ echo "DEH0,l.\
H7q2w3er5t6y7ui" | beep -m
# play demo music by Mozart
$ beep -m demo
C:\>beep -m demo
# start beep web server and serve pages locally
$ beep -w
C:\>beep -w (or click Start then Run and type: beep -w)
# start beep web server with open access
$ beep -w :4444
# dump music waveform to a WAV file
$ beep -m -o music.wav demo
# pipe to MP3 encoder
$ beep -m -o - demo | lame - music.mp3
# play misic sheet from files
$ beep -m sheet.txt
$ beep -m sheet1.txt sheet2.txt demo
C:\>beep -m sheet.txt
# play music sheet from URL
$ beep -url ''
$ beep -url ''
# generate 528Hz sine wave for 60 seconds (wine glass frequency)
$ beep -f 528 -t 60000
# middle C note
$ beep -f 261.625565 -t 1500
# play a MIDI file
$ beep -mp music.mid
# play a MIDI file from URL
$ beep -mu ''
# print notes with keyboard from MIDI file
$ beep -mn music.mid