
Results 117 issues of Darrell

If you are reading this, and you are using `dotnettency` in your applications, please comment below to let me know! Which features are you using today? This will be useful...

Autofac and Structuremap are "non native" DI containers. I now have a solution to create child containers using the native Microsoft ServiceProvider: https://github.com/dazinator/Dazinator.Extensions.DependencyInjection/blob/develop/src/DependencyInjection.ChildContainers/README.md I'll need to make this the "default"...

Seen an issue with tryign to register signal-r per tenant, in that it relies on `IHostApplicationLifetime ` (provided by the host) to be signalled, in order to start it's background...

IStartupFilter's are described here: https://andrewlock.net/exploring-istartupfilter-in-asp-net-core/ 1. Should per tenant middleware pipeline support running IStartupFilters registered at tenant level? If so, these could be used to perform tenant startup tasks like:...


Having two build files to maintain is annoying, and I can't be bothered to implement a cake build either, so just go with devops for now, and remove app veyor...


- Use EndpointDataSource to expose list of custom Endpoints, each one representing a Tenant in my system, more specifically that tenants RequestDelegate / middleware pipeline (lazily constructed, asynchronously, upon first...

Making a quick note for future enhancements, At the moment, when a tenant is restarted, if the tenants Container / IServiceProvider is being used to satisfy multiple requests (i.e a...


This will come in two parts. The first part will be to provide a default way out of the box for identifying tenants that is based on configurable pattern matching...


When logging is added / configured using the typical microsoft provided `AddLogging` method, this registers a singleton `ILoggerFactory` type. When this type is activated, all registered ILoggerProviderare injected into it,...


In terms of how a typical asp.net core app starts up, it typically uses something like this: ``` public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { CreateHostBuilder(args).Build().Run(); }...
