selecto copied to clipboard
React Selecto v-1.22.3 default selection of values
- Framework name: React
- Framework version: npm - v: 8.19.3
Hello Everyone! I am using React Selecto in my Project. I have a button which when clicked, some of the options in my list must get selected. My question is, how can I initialize react selecto with already selected elements. I have searched on the Internet enough to say I could not figure out how to do it. Event GPT 3 was not able to help me. Thanks for your help.
@vtoolsMedi Since target is a DOM, preselection is not supported with props.
Use the .setSelectedTargets
It appears to be the same as the next issue.
Thank you for replying so soon. Would you mind make a little snippet for react? In my project I am not able to preselect items. My code:
class Permissions extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.selectableDragListRef = createRef();
saveSelectedPermissions(e) {
let selectedElements = this.selectableDragListRef.current.getData();
let privileges = {};
for (let index in this.props.children) {
let permission = this.props.children[index];
let found = false;
for (let elementId in selectedElements) {
if (permission.props.elementId === elementId) {
found = true;
privileges[permission.props.elementId] = {connected: found};
if (GF.checkNotNull(this.props.onSave)) {
componentDidMount() {
addSelectedItems() {
let items = document.getElementById(this.selectableDragListRef.current.getContainerId()).getElementsByClassName('selectoItem');
items = Array.from(items);
render() {
let buttonGroup;
if (this.props.withButtonGroup) {
buttonGroup = <ButtonGroup color={'dark'} delimiterColor={'primary'} className='my-4'>
<ButtonSmall color='dark' id={"admin"}>Admin</ButtonSmall>
<ButtonSmall color='dark' id={"basevariables"}>Standart mit Variablen</ButtonSmall>
<ButtonSmall color='dark' id={"base"}>Standart ohne Variablen</ButtonSmall>
} else {
buttonGroup = <></>;
let title = 'Berechtigungen';
if (GF.checkNotNull(this.props.mode) && this.props.mode !== '') {
switch (this.props.mode) {
case 'user':
title = 'Berechtigungen (Benutzer)';
case 'userGroup':
title = 'Berechtigungen (Benutzergruppe)';
return (<>
<h2 className='text-cn-color-white'>{title}</h2>
<SelectableDragList ref={this.selectableDragListRef}>
<HorizontalLayout className='gap-1 flex-wrap text-cn-color-static-white'>
<HorizontalLayout className='justify-end gap-x-5 mt-5'>
<ButtonSmall color='secondary' onClick={(e) => this.saveSelectedPermissions(e)}>Berechtigungen speichern</ButtonSmall>
Permissions.propTypes = {
withButtonGroup: PropTypes.bool, onSave: PropTypes.func, mode: PropTypes.string
export default Permissions;