Daybrush (Younkue Choi)

Results 714 comments of Daybrush (Younkue Choi)

@bytasv The pinch of the trackpad is specified with the ctrlKey in the browser. I know that trackpad(gesture) can only be checked in safari.

@daybrush Yes. This is the default behavior of the browser.

The pinchStart and abortPinch events do not occur when pinching through the wheel.

@iDerekLi infinite-viewer's new version is release. You can check if the pinch is caused by the wheel in the pinch event. ```js viewer.on("pinch", e => { console.log(e.isWheel); }); ```

@HHN0609 Use ref attribute.

@chenp1204 I'll fix that warnings. Thank you :) what color is your background color? Maybe it's the same color as the thumb? If not, can you inspect scroll thumb?

@jkears use rangeX: [0, Infinity], rangeY: [0, Infinity]

@ameriania Can you tell me your browser environment and the address where I can test or screenshot?

InfiniteViewer instance has scroll-related methods such as scrollTo and scrollBy. I think you should use them.

@ZenBerry Added `zoomOffsetX`, `zoomOffsetY` props. It is not clientX, clientY. Set offsetX and offsetY based on the container of infinite-viewer.