+1,有进展了吗,单条写没问题,一次多条就报错了,具体能多少也不固定,有时候能一次写10条,有时候4个就开始报这个错了。 现在一次一条太连续也不行了,得隔十几秒。 这个可以用
> > @Charlie441324219 Please check current version with guidances in the ``. > > Use the delay time method first, as the pointer reset method could not solve the problem,...
I have tried the delay time 0.5 ,cost 5 hour and same problem. I will try the new way test_print later. If not resolve, try physical Linux machine in usb...
> Sorry for your wasted time. > Here's a plot for test, please help downloading and plotting it **without any optimization arguments**, and show me the output for faster bug...
I try the test image and my own, looks better now. Completely accurate in the test pictures. Little offset in my own. PS. It appear in other people's square in...