I fixed the problem by that redefined the path in the "def_input.txt": /path/to/caffe/examples/images/fish-bike.jpg.
my problem is like yours and i run it in ubuntu14.04 `WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W0829 12:23:33.219240 29104 _caffe.cpp:122] DEPRECATION WARNING - deprecated use of Python...
@Relph1119 麻烦review下,谢谢
Thansk for @sylvchev's soon reply. Certainly. Just a little change according to the [moabb example](https://moabb.neurotechx.com/docs/auto_examples/plot_braindecode.html). ``` import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from absl.logging import ERROR, set_verbosity from...
> Here are some papers that may have the same bug: "Multi-class motor imagery EEG classification method with high accuracy and low individual differences based on hybrid neural network" https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2552/ac1ed0...
> I have several interrogations about those evaluations: > > * WithinSubjectEvaluation mixes all session of a subject. This is not desirable, as there are important differences between sessions for...
I also interest in DB system. Do you have a common place to disscuss? Such as https://discord.com/