David Sterling
David Sterling
The details of calendar items such as organizer, attendee list, etc... are not made available via GetUserAvailability (only start/end/Location, but not Organizer). As such, the only way to get access...
This happens when a request lands on the incorrect server, typically when the service account is in a different forest than the target mailbox. In that case, EWS needs to...
The size can grow, but when you get to the end of the current set of changes the size should collapse. There are pathological cases which can cause the sync...
Are you only needing access to Office365 (Exchange Online), or do you also need to access legacy on-prem servers (Exchange 2016 and below)? If the former you should use the...
I assume that this is a non-owner access call? The error seems to indicate that the caller does not have rights to access the folder in question. The "cannot query...
Can you provide a requestId (from the HTTP response headers)?
Thanks - I forgot to mention that I need the UTC time of the requests as well. @DevilGeek provided one - just waiting for the logs to be uploaded to...
@DevilGeek - thanks for the info. I found the log and it appears that you are hitting a null ref on our side (a regression). I have forwarded the info...
@sgreenlee11 - yep, you are hitting the same issue as @DevilGeek. The calendaring folks should be in here shortly today. I already opened a bug and assigned it to the...
@mattaustin83 - was that for the same requestId that you have pasted above? I didn't find any logs for that one.