node-pty-prebuilt copied to clipboard
Atom + atom-xterm, "..incompatible native modules (node-pty-prebuilt)..."
Environment details
OS: Ubuntu
OS version: 17.04
node-pty version: (I dont know how to get the actual version number installed) from atom-xterm package.json: dependencies: {node-pty-prebuilt: "^0.7.3"} from xterm (under atom-xterm) package.json: dependencies: {node-pty-prebuilt: "^0.7.6"}
Atom version: 1.41.0
atom-xterm (atom package) version: 6.50
complete error msg from atom console
Failed to require the main module of 'atom-xterm' because it requires one or more incompatible native modules (node-pty-prebuilt). Run
apm rebuildin the package directory and restart Atom to resolve. requireMainModule @ <embedded>:11
Issue description
I install atom-xterm via atom package manager and it does not load. In the atom console is that error message (see above).
I went to the the node-pty-prebuilt folder under the atom-xterm package and run "node-gyp configure; node-gyp build" which was successful. I saw that the pty.node binary did change (using cmp command) but the atom error message stayed the same.
atom-xterm is unmaintained/broken try x-terminal or terminus