emacs-from-scratch copied to clipboard
An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube!
In you first video use-package does not work because according to: https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package ``` elisp ;; This is only needed once, near the top of the file (eval-when-compile ;; Following line...
I like this configuration. However, (and this is just a personal opinion) I think there should be some way of telling Emacs which org file to tangle automagically without it...
I did following: (1) cloned repo - renamed to .emacs.d/ (2) Loaded missing fonts : cantarell and fonts-firacode **then I ran into this - I am not sure how to...
Install the fonts as early as possible, but only if they haven't already been downloaded.
I may be wrong, but according to evil mode's instructions, an undo package should be installed to correctly simulate vim's undo (undo-fu, undo-tree, or emacs 28's undo-redo). Just a ``(use-package...
First off, your videos have been immensely helpful. Thank you for taking the time to stream and publish your knowledge. The subject of this message pretty much says it all....
I noticed the comment in Emacs-Tips-08.org about `server-after-make-frame-hook` only being called once when using the daemon, but I have not found this to be the case. I tested with Emacs...
I want to modify following function such that polybar shows icon of program opened (active) in each workspace for all workspaces. https://github.com/daviwil/emacs-from-scratch/blob/master/show-notes/Emacs-Desktop-05.org#adding-a-workspace-indicator-to-the-panel for eg suppose I have following programs active...
Just posting this here incase anyone bumps into it, but if you're wanting things like desktop notifications you need to remove the `dbus-launch` call as it doesn't seem to pass...
when i'm coding, with lsp, i see the possible completion. Most of the time, the first one is right. But i still need to do "C-j" to move my cursor...