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Extension of orgroam videos: Tags
Dear David,
I love your orgroam videos. As you said yourself you are not well experienced with orgroam or the Zettelkasten method. That makes the videos very valuable because you describe it from the viewpoint of a novice user. Even the ZK method itself is very good and short described by you. I often link to that.
I really would like to have your opinion and experience with some orgroam-specific features related to a Zettelkasten-workflow. This would be great for a new video.
One of the most confusing and less documented things are the types of tags. There are filetags, project, ROAM_TAGs, no matter what else and mixed up with org tag system also.
I will assemble two questions here that could inspire a new video to the orgroam series.
- What are the consequences of that tags respecting to other features (searching, filter, org-ui, ...)?
- Which tags should be use for the ZK method?