jQuery-One-Page-Nav icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jQuery-One-Page-Nav copied to clipboard


Open lungolago opened this issue 8 years ago • 0 comments

Hi great work, everything works great but I don't see any info/documentation on how to handle a dropdown menu. So, when I create my dropdown the links work fine and take me to the correct section in the page, but when you look in the header menu (nav) no tab (ul>li) is hilited, so is there a way to keep the parent hilited? So if the tab in the header is Media and dropdown has gallery1, gallery2, etc.. when I click on gallery1 ... it transitions me to the correct section but would need the media tab to stay selected. Help would be greatly appreciated as I 've been searching for a solution all over. Thanks, Franco

lungolago avatar Feb 05 '16 18:02 lungolago