Davis Ford

Results 73 comments of Davis Ford

@receiptline I am very interested in the extended specifications that support templating. Is that something you can share?

Would love to see this merged in to this repo

@kevinrenskers you make any progress with this? i'm trying to figure out how to make this library work with reconnects too, and just found your issues here. wondering if you...

Yes, please 👍 I just discovered using casbin that writing rules that evaluate structs fail with `Unable to parse numeric value '.' to float64` I'm using go modules, and it...

Can confirm -- turning off `mangle` at least successfully minifies it. ``` ├─┬ [email protected] │ ├── [email protected] deduped │ ├── [email protected] │ └── [email protected] ```

This looks pretty slick. Wondering if there are plans to push this through? Seems like the PR it was waiting on has been merged.

Here's a quick hack that fixes this, by exposing a setter on `socketFactory`: ``` javascript // socket.js var wrappedSocket = { on: addListener, addListener: addListener, once: addOnceListener, socket: function (s)...

@ronaldjeremy you are right, it isn't robust. i have run into cases where the the old socket is discarded, and controllers try to forward and they attach to the old...

Thanks @btford -- I didn't really mean that as a dig -- poor choice of words. I did send a [PR](https://github.com/btford/angular-socket-io/pull/88) earlier that you dinged for not having a test,...

@coommark is your code on github or somewhere i can take a look at it? also, what branch are you using of the fork? calls made by the controller will...