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Astronomy Challenges
A repository for notes about hard inference or data analysis problems in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology.
David W. Hogg (NYU)
These ideas come from many quarters; at least I am indebted to
- Dustin Lang (Princeton)
- Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA)
- Sam Roweis (deceased)
Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 the author. All rights reserved.
Revision history:
This document is a work in progress; it isn't even in a "first draft" state. This version is dated 2014-07-05. I generally put the thing I am most interested in first; that is, I tend to prepend.
Three-dimensional modeling of the Milky Way
- Dust modeling in three dimensions
- Mass modeling with realistic models
- Phase-space models in 6-d that don't rely on integrability
Cosmic microwave background
- Use spatial priors in addition to spectral-energy (wavelength or frequency dependence) priors to separate independent components or layers that contribute to the Planck (or other) imaging data.
- Use parameterized pdfs (for spatial covariance) in place of priors to do hierarchical inference of the fundamental cosmological signature, the secondary anisotropies, and the Galaxy.
- Try out standard unsupervised methods like ICA and so on to see if there are insights to be gleaned.
Radio interferometry
Interferometers measure correlations (amplitude and phase) between antennae, each of which sees a noisy sky (noisy because of finite antenna temperature. The standard practice in radio astronomy is to run some form of Clean, which is an algorithm to reconstruct a plausible sky image from the correlations on a finite set of baselines. There are many variants of Clean, but most (perhaps all) have many problems:
- There is no probabilistic model of the data stream; there is no likelihood function.
- Priors are either not specified or else extremely naive.
- Parts of the sky are often set to zero by hand.
- The algorithms do not generally return uncertainty estimates on the reconstructed scene.
- There is no way to quantitatively compare different scene options.
Probabilistic catalogs
A catalog is, in some sense, a quantitative explanation of an image. In probabilistic inference, there ought to be a posterior PDF over the set of all possible catalogs that could explain some set of imaging data. This problem is a hard one, for various reasons, not limited to:
Different catalogs will have different model complexities and numbers of parameters. Some sources will have ambiguous properties: Is this one galaxy or two? Is this a star or a galaxy? And so on. Any description of the PDF in catalog space must face this.
There are various ideas about sampling in complex spaces like this, including reversible-jump MCMC and non-parametric sampling methods. These have almost never been applied in Astronomy (though see papers on future LISA data and rumors from Feroz at Cambridge). An efficient method for sampling in catalog space at non-fixed complexity could have an enormous effect on astrophysics, and it is a non-trivial problem.
For many applications, we would like to construct a catalog that makes use of all the imaging data available on each included source, and which can adapt and improve as new data arrive. That requires significant computational resources but also some ideas about frameworks that are practical and useful.
There are relationships between image modeling, catalog estimation, noise-model inference, and PSF estimation, of course. More about some of this below.
Weak lensing
In studies of weak lensing, the objective is to find the shear map---the tensor distortion field being applied to galaxies---as a function of sky position and redshift (distance). This is challenging because:
Galaxies have non-trivial morphologies. There is currently no "prior PDF" over galaxy morphologies or appearances, so heuristics are used to estimate the shear map in an average way over a set of galaxies deemed large enough to be treated as being circular on average. That is, there is no way to obtain reliable shear information from any single or small set of galaxies. A prior PDF over galaxy images might help enormously with this. To my knowledge there has never even been an attempt at this; my intuition is that even simple attempts might yield excellent results. An extremely simple attempt would be to pixelize the galaxies on some physical scale, and then do hierarchical inference on compact distributions in the space of pixel values.
Telescopes have non-trivial and temporally and spatially varying point-spread functions. That is, every galaxy in every image is convolved with its own unique point-spread function. Current methods for inferring, interpolating, and deconvolving the point-spread function are limited in their approaches and capabilities. There is much room for improvement.
Models of spectra
Empirical (data-driven) models of spectra (or images or anything) that are not well described by linear subspaces. Methods like PCA, HMF, and other matrix factorization methods are fastest and easiest and most used in astronomy when the data are thought of as filling a K-dimensional linear subspace. I mean by this that it is assumed that any linear combination of data points would be a realistic, sensible new data point. In reality, often the data live in a much smaller subspace that is not linear; that is, many possible linear combinations would not be sensible objects. One very simple approach worth exploring would be to perform a matrix factorization but then permit very informative priors on the "coefficient space" to be learned, like a multi-component mixture of Gaussians. Another approach is to apply a very strong L1-norm or other "sparseness" prior at the subspace learning stage to discourage mixing of the eigenspectra; then the matrix factorization should locate a set of archetypes rather than a subspace.
One application of a non-linear data-driven model is in fitting stars, where it is understood that the fundamental physical model is driven by temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity, each of which affects the spectrum non-linearly. A successful data-driven model of stars would capture their variation without being able to fit or generate obvious non-stars. It would also find spectroscopic binaries, something that hasn't been done in large surveys to date (to my knowledge).
Another application is in fitting quasars, where there is no precise physical model but it is known that linear combinations of quasars are not themselves realistic quasars!
Continuing with the more general brain-storm: Use of sparse methods; modeling collections of spectra without previously classifying them into groups of similar types (galaxy, star, quasar, etc).
simultaneous redshift estimation and spectral classification
more specific: looking at stellar variations around emission lines to determine chromospheric activity; correlation of that against age indicators; data-driven age measure for stars?
One holy grail is some principled combination of theory-driven and data-driven models; that is, there are pretty-good models and excellent observations; how do we tweak the models using the observations or otherwise combine data-driven and model-driven methods?
Instrument calibration
In many cases (most?) the science data are more valuable for calibration purposes than any specifically designed calibration data or program. One interesting question is whether a telescope+camera flatfield, dark, and noise model could be inferred from a set of data with no reference to the calibration programs. One place to try this is the HST Archive, where all HST data ever taken are available. Question: Could HST have been calibrated without its (expensive, time-consuming) calibration programs!
Related to the above, a question asked of me by Bernhard Schölkopf: If you had the library of every image ever taken by some digital camera, could you figure out its dark, flat, and noise properties? This is harder than the astronomy problem because the scenes are more complicated, but easier because more of the pixels are well illuminated in more photos.
PSF estimation, especially for high dynamic-range imaging (eg, Fergus et al).
Priors on calibration parameters, especially PSFs (which vary with the atmosphere and telescope configuration) and world-coordinate systems (astrometric calibration). We generally infer these without priors, but for PSFs in particular, usually the data are noisy and the inferences are noisier than they could be given that we know a lot about what kinds of PSFs are possible.
Probabilistic darks and flat-fields: We usually use point estimates for these, but is there any place where there is an advantage to having a probabilistic description and/or is this necessary?
GPs for atmospheric calibration: The atmosphere varies stochastically (in brightness and transparency) but in a continuous fashion. This sounds like a great application for Gaussian Processes.
Spectroscopic extraction: Right now there is a lot of reliance on calibration data, with both too much and too little flexibility in the instrument model: Too much flexibility because each exposure sequence (arc, flat, science, flat, arc) is calibrated independently (no continuity or priors or etc). Too little flexibility because the science exposure is supposed to be at the precise interpolated mean of the surrounding calibration data.
Astrophysics at low signal-to-noise
Astronomers care about the sources at...
time domain issues (moving and variable)
source detection in online methods
confusion noise and crowding
Galactic center and the like
outer SS objects and the like
Stochastic variability
Quasars and reverberation
exoplanet transits at the variability limit
quasi-periodic variable stars, like RR Lyrae
Spatial models of galaxies
stars, extinctions, HI, etc -> model of the Milky Way
same for other galaxies
Dynamical models of galaxies
- dynamical modeling, esp marginalization over the DF