David Watkins

Results 132 comments of David Watkins

Access log would be a good table to source this, however we would need to remove entries which are irrelevant (i.e. to sections opening) and also to pages which are...

Table design: Column | Type | Default | Description --- | --- | --- | --- id | autoseq | - | pk name | str | - | -...

Need to - - [ ] create liquibase table - [ ] bookmark table - [ ] mark kind column as deprecated via table remarks - [ ] add fk...

I think name change should be ok, however we need a strong warning and possibly an 'impact' analysis (i.e. this flow is referenced in this diagram and these phys flows)

The wording in the admin gui needs tightening up, and perhaps the icon choice should be different.

Can't implement this until #6854 has been completed. The bookmark kind needs an identifier so that it can be referenced in the grid columns.

Tasks: - [x] Add svg diagrams to the list of supported `EntityKind` types - [ ] Update diagram builder to save to an entity note (the notes should be hidden,...

![image](https://github.com/finos/waltz/assets/576829/9cc0c4ed-192e-402d-a29e-334ad6e32eea) Report Grids provide end-users with the ability to define a custom, tabular report. Grids are centered around a subject entity type, currently either: - APPLICATION - CHANGE_INITIATIVE From that...

![image](https://github.com/finos/waltz/assets/576829/a8664b44-4d12-420c-b9b4-3f0fb1e39bcc) ![image](https://github.com/finos/waltz/assets/576829/e839b92c-d94f-4c98-b59f-43fa90a7f97e) These two views show the upstream and downstream flows in and out of a system. The flows are broken down by data type and colored according to the...

**Bank on a Page** ![image](https://github.com/finos/waltz/assets/576829/d40eb2a8-dcf6-4f16-85bc-d0b988dc5903) This view is the _Bank on a Page_ diagram. It is being actively developed and allows administrators to create a diagram based on a taxonomy...