superpixel-benchmark copied to clipboard
Run NYVU2 dataset failed
I was trying to work with NYVU2 dataset, so I followed these steps:
Download the dataset from here. Make sure that the downloaded file is nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat.
Put the file in data/NYUV2/.
Make sure that data/NYUV2 contains nyuv2_test_subset.txt, nyuv2_train_subset.txt, nyuv2_test.txt and nyuv2_train.txt.
In lib_tools/nyuv2_convert.script.m, set NYUV2_DIR to point to the data/NYUV2 directory.
Run the script. Note that this may take some time and memory.
But while I running nyuv2_convert.script.m, I have got following errors:
>> nyuv2_convert_script
Generating images ... done (97.083243).
Generating depth ... done (109.608455).
Generating ground truth (may take longer) ... Undefined function 'strel' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in nyuv2_generate_ground_truth (line 51)
foreground = imerode(imdilate(foreground, strel('disk', margin)), strel('disk', margin));
Error in nyuv2_convert_script (line 89)
nyuv2_generate_ground_truth(labels, instances, mask_border, list_train, [NYUV2_DIR '/groundTruth/train'], FACTOR);
Could you please help me with how to fix it?
Many thanks in advance.