David F. Severski

Results 22 issues of David F. Severski

Please check Services, Known Bug / Issues and Troubleshooting over here first: - Several issues found, with most look to be closed pending user feedback or unrelated issues. **Region and...

Running under the current `master` on Opscode bento centos-6.5, my logstash user is being created with a non-existent home directory setting of `/home/logstash`. Tracing through the code, it looks like...

Passing NAs to tldextract generates warnings/errors. Opening this as a note to myself to come back and contribute a PR. :grin:

Is it possible, perhaps outside of the dm ecosystem, to model relationships between tables that aren't based on FK-PK relationships. Think of a situation where there is a flights and...

help wanted

Feature request to support [Collective Intelligence Framework](https://code.google.com/p/collective-intelligence-framework/wiki/ClientInstall_v1) feeds. A fine intermediate step would be to allow importing from local files.


Thanks for the great library. I've been migrated to gert from git2r, hoping to get support for cloning repositories with submodules (reference git2r's [issue on recursive](https://github.com/ropensci/git2r/issues/271)). If I call a...

Could support for parsing SRV records be added to `nsl()`? I've been looking for a self-contained way to query SRV records, ultimately to enable shiny apps to find plumber API...

help wanted :heart:

The check_readability() function is limited to working on the scenario text and cannot be easily adapted to work on capability text. Reconsider if including this functionality in collector is the...

Leverage more sophisticated distribution fitting functions, reducing the scope of complexity in collector. Reference the CRAN task view on probability distributions - https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Distributions.html


Thanks for creating this package! Building out my own $dayjob_tools package now. The current `ghentr` doesn't seem to wrap `usethis::use_github_labels` or `usethis::use_github_links`. Rounding out `ghentr`'s coverage of usethis's functionality would...