qrcodejs copied to clipboard
QRcode logo
How Can I branded the qrcode , put image or logo on qrcode
You have to do it yourself. It's not too difficult:
- Load the generated PNG into a canvas
- Draw your image into the exact center with a width and height of at most 1/3 of the QR code size
Hi! I want to use it in WeChat small program;and i want to Setting the style of the icon,Is there any good way to do it,
@AyrA did you have any example to do this .... Thanks
Something similar to this:
function imgQR(qrCanvas, centerImage, factor) {
var h = qrCanvas.height;
//Center size
var cs = h * factor;
//Center offset
var co = (h - cs) / 2;
var ctx = qrCanvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(centerImage, 0, 0, centerImage.width, centerImage.height, co, co, cs, cs);
Note: this is untested code. It might need some tweaking. Supply the canvas with the qr code already drawn, the image to draw, and the scaling factor. I would start with something small like 0.25
this a small example, hope it can help to you
function imgQR(qrCanvas, centerImage, factor) {
var h = qrCanvas.height;
//Center size
var cs = h * factor;
//Center offset
var co = (h - cs) / 2;
var ctx = qrCanvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(centerImage, 0, 0, centerImage.width, centerImage.height, co, co, cs, cs);
const icon = new Image();
icon.onload = function () {
var qrcode = new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), {
text: "https://docs.apipost.cn/preview/c1965f884871c5e8/022649a12cdf1ad7",
width: 200,
height: 200,
colorDark: "#000000",
colorLight: "#ffffff",
correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
imgQR(qrcode._oDrawing._elCanvas, this, 0.2)
icon.src = './success.png';