Results 139 comments of David Schneider

`solvers` is indeed very intuitive. However, I guess that this case here is rather an exception and I am not sure if we really put anything else there than this...

@AndresPedemonteFIUBA, thanks for pointing this out, I know (cf also with the [source code comment in ccx]( as pointed out by @boris-martin) and I'm not sure how to handle or...

You can just run a simulation and restart from a particular time stamp and export the precice interface. You don't need to execute the actual coupling to test this.

Yes, sorry I had the option in the interface config instead of the FSI config, I changed it now to match the docs. Also the changed default switched the logic,...

I added a note on solid solvers. If the solid solver operates only in reference coordinates, the option is a bit misleading.

To document this: I disabled the option for solid solvers and made it only available for fluid solvers. All solid solvers I tested (solids4foam and solid-openfoam) use only the reference...

I cannot reproduce this issue with OpenFOAM v2012 and since I have at the moment no foundation version installed I cannot try with another OpenFOAM version. Are you tied to...

Yes, `foamToVTK` seems to resolve the boundary condition properly. As opposed to any ParaView, it even renders/evaluates time dependent groovyBC correctly.

AFAIK the stand-alone paraView still does not render the `.OpenFOAM` files (they don't show even up if you try to open them up). Of course, it would resolve the issue...

> How would you imagine this in terms of configuration? I guess we cannot really extract this information automatically, since OpenFOAM is allowed to arbitrarily update its time step size...