David Schneider
David Schneider
> I am not sure if preCICE will complain In case no connectivity is provided, preCICE raises a warning, that it falls back to a NN mapping. > We could...
First important issue is that the reference configuration changes when using a restart mechanism, i.e., we use the current ('deformed') mesh and vertices in order to define the coupling interface.
I have a fix. @MakisH I guess this would be worth a bugfix release.
This is not trivial to implement since the location type changes when we require mesh connectivity. We could hide this complexity from the user, but a separate coupling interface is...
It's worth mentioning that Vynnycky describes a steady state case whereas we use the transient `buoyuantPimpleFoam` in the tutorials. Investigations with the steady state solver `buoyuantSimpleFoam` would be interesting (as...
I was actually too fast here. The issue occurs only for the location `faceNodes` and I visualized the wrong meshes here (both refer to the `faceNodes`). In the end, I...
> Could you please add a note in the adapter documentation? I guess it does make sense for 3D cases (e.g. a valve), where the domain boundary cuts the interface....
It's more your setup than the actual scenario. You might have a relevant duplication in case you use a 3D CHT case with nearst-projection mapping. But I guess the nearest-projection...
Will do that :+1:
> What is our strategy to explain users how to reproduce their setup with ASTE? Do we want to do this in this tutorial as well, in another tutorial, or...