David Schneider
David Schneider
Hm, we could simply enable synchronization by using openfoams foamToVTK tool, which results in output numbers similar to the one used in deal.II currently, right?
> Why not change the naming in the deal.II adapter? Because this will not work. ParaView just counts the number of vtk files and does not read the actual naming....
So, deal.ii provides this feature https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/structDataOutBase_1_1VtkFlags.html#a8944cf4f29e449a73c11c6f348b86c20 and I just tried it, but similar to an annotation, this just adds the time and cycle as a separate field. We don't get...
In case you want to get to know, what vtk (the link you posted) does, it is sufficient to add the following: ```diff diff --git a/linear_elasticity/linear_elasticity.cc b/linear_elasticity/linear_elasticity.cc index 8be277a..822e4fd 100644...
> Any clue why? Does this actually work for you? The solution should be either this or something in this direction anyway. This is, what I mentioned above > this...
> foamToVTK also did not improve the situation in my case. So, you get the synchronization from the Fluid side, since the OpenFOAM `vtk` files work similarly to the deal.II...
@MakisH How to proceed here? Do you expect any change in the deal.II codes?
_mhm_ That's a very nice description. However, a solution would be very helpful in terms of usability since `AsserThrow` is the deal.II standard macro for exception handling in a release...
Given the multitude of application scenarios, we cannot detect a 'missing mapping', as there are some scenarios, which don't require a mapping in the first place. What we could check,...