ckwin copied to clipboard flagged as virus
Hello David,
the B4 is consistently flagged as a virus on multiple virus scanners. Virus scanner is complaining about iksdsvc.exe. Could you maybe tag a new build?
Btw, here is the virus total scanner output:
I’ve seen this before too myself - on even the simplest “Hello World” program built with some MSVC versions. I see it’s been reported:
Yeah, its a false positive. I put a fresh Visual C++ 14.2 build straight from the github build servers through virustotal with similar (though not as many) results:
This is the main reason the builds for modern windows doesn't include ctl3dins.exe (aside from it not being necessary there) - it kept tripping up my own virus scanner whenever I downloaded a build from github.
Not sure what, if anything, can really be done about it. I assume in this case the virus scanners are just reacting to the capabilities C-Kermit has - making and receiving network connections, transferring files, running as a service, etc.