Hey there, I am trying to do this actually, but cannot work out how to modify the onclick event in the wpImage plugin from an external script... I cannot find...
ok then, is there anything in the plugin as it is at the moment that knows the wordpress version so I can modify the file for both media managers (3.4...
Actually I was looking for a variable I can use in the js to make an 'if' statement there...
Yeah, I did a search for that but cant find it in 2.3 beta... is that ajax url added like that after that version?
ok got it now, I'll add to core.php and then add an alternative function to editor.js if we are later than 3.5... ;)
made a small amount of progress with this but I cant work a few things out. In editor.js in image_base.prototype.thickbox_load what does the following require to work? ``` javascript jQuery.post(FrontEndEditor.data.ajax_url,...
Yeah I know I need to learn how to do that, but I really need this sorted now if I can and dont have time to learn coffeescript... Basically what...
ok next big issue is that because the new media uploader does not open in an iframe clicking in it makes the editable inactive and removes the selection.... hmmm
OK have a work around for that issue, still having a problem with fee_image_insert sending back 'are you sure you want to do this' if I send it to my...
fixed this one by changing sideOrCorner: /^to (left (top|bottom)|right (top|bottom)|left|right|top|bottom)/i, to sideOrCorner: /^to (left (top|bottom)|right (top|bottom)|top (right|left)|bottom (right|left)|left|right|top|bottom)/i,