Typeset icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Typeset copied to clipboard

An HTML pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy


Typeset is an HTML pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy which pro­vides ty­po­graphic fea­tures used tra­di­tion­ally in fine print­ing which re­main un­avail­able to browser lay­out en­gines. Typeset's pro­cess­ing brings the fol­low­ing to your web­pages:

Typeset does not re­quire any client-side JavaScript and uses less than a kilo­byte of CSS. Processed HTML & CSS works in Internet Explorer 5 and with­out any CSS. Typeset can be used man­u­ally or as a plu­gin for Grunt and gulp.

Getting Started


$ npm i typeset


const typeset = require('typeset');
let html = '<p>"Hello," said the fox.</p>';
let output = typeset(html);


Then tweak the CSS to match the metrics of your font and include it on your page.

 Small Capitals

.small-caps {font-variant: small-caps;}

 Optical margin alignment for particular letters 

.pull-T, .pull-V, .pull-W, .pull-Y {margin-left: -0.07em}
.push-T, .push-V, .push-W, .push-Y {margin-right: 0.07em}

.pull-O, .pull-C, .pull-o, .pull-c {margin-left: -0.04em}
.push-O, .push-C, .push-o, .push-c {margin-right: 0.04em}

.pull-A {margin-left: -0.03em}
.push-A {margin-right: 0.03em}

 Quotation mark 

/* Single quotation marks (') */

.pull-double, .push-double,
.pull-single, .push-single {display: inline-block}

/* Double quotation marks (") */


You can pass an options object to influence how your HTML is typeset:

const options = {
  ignore: '.skip, #anything, .which-matches', // string of CSS selector(s) to ignore
  only: '#only-typeset, .these-elements', // string of CSS selector(s) to exclusively apply typeset to
  disable: ['hyphenate'] // array of typeset feature(s) to disable


The following features may be disabled:

  • hyphenate
  • hangingPunctuation
  • ligatures
  • punctuation
  • quotes
  • smallCaps
  • spaces

CLI Usage

$ npm i -g typeset
Usage: typeset-js [options] [<infile> [<outfile>]]


  -h, --help      output usage information
  -V, --version   output the version number
  -i, --ignore    string of CSS selector(s) to ignore
  -O, --only      string of CSS selector(s) to exclusively apply typeset to
  --disable,      string of typeset feature(s) to disable, separated by commas


Compile a file and print it to stdout:

$ typeset-js inputFile.html

To create an output file, just add a second argument:

$ typeset-js inputFile.html outputFile.html

Use the --ignore option to ignore specific CSS selectors:

$ typeset-js inputFile.html outputFile.html --ignore ".some-class, h3"

Use the --disable option to disable typeset features:

$ typeset-js inputFile.html outputFile.html --disable "hyphenate,ligatures"

CLI redirections:

$ cat index.html | typeset-js > outputFile.html



If you don't find the answer to your problem in our docs, or have a suggestion for improvements, submit your question here.


This software is dedicated to the public domain and licensed under Creative Commons Zero. See the LICENSE file for details.

To Do: