David Megginson

Results 29 comments of David Megginson

Thank you for doing that comparison! I will look into this as soon as possible.

Excellent suggestion -- thank you!

Bump. Blocking the #bot hashtag isn't enough, because bot accounts don't use it consistently. We really need a one-click option to mute all automated accounts. I don't want bots to...

First, apologies that this is a complex topic. Leaning mattered a lot to me during my 19 years of flying, because it affected my fuel reserves for long IFR flights,...

I understand this from an operational PoV rather than a theoretical one, so I'll share what I know. Generally speaking, we use EGT as the reference, because exhaust-gas-temperature gauges were...

The 1.3 is the original factor for multiplying the mixture-control input (0.0 - 1.0) to map into the mixture table. I gave it 1.65 instead, because that seems to give...

We can handle freshness with a separate monitoring system that works like this: ![Update sequence diagram](http://www.websequencediagrams.com/cgi-bin/cdraw?lz=cGFydGljaXBhbnQgIkV4dGVybmFsIHNpdGVzIiBhcyBTb3VyY2VzCgAbDU1vbml0b3Jpbmcgc3lzdGVtACYFAAwKACAOSERYIEFQSQBKBUhEWAoKbG9vcCBmb3IgZWFjaCBkYXRhc2V0CiAANgstPkhEWDogcmVxdWVzdAAYC2FjdGl2YXRlAGEMAAsLSERYCiAgSERYLT4AgRoKOiBkb3dubG9hZABkCCByZWNvcmQKICBkZQAtDwB4DAA3DGNoZWNrIHVwZGF0ZSBmAIEUBW5jeQogIG9wdCB0aW1lAIFMBWZyZXNobmVzcwAqBgogIACBXg5yZXMAgksFCiAgADQGAAkIIGhhcyBhbiBlAIJ6CFVSTAAgBQCCCA4AgwcHAIIQCgBEDQCCFAsAgy8IAD0GAIM-BwCBfhcANQ8AgggLADgOAIIDGHNhdmUgdG8gZGlzawAMH2NvbXBhcgApBWxhc3QAgxAJAIFkB29wdCBkaWZmZXJzIGZyb20AHwZjb3B5AIIFBwCEFw0AhB4HAIMNBwCDUwhkYXQAggYIZW4AUwYAAgZlbmQKZW5kCg&s=modern-blue) This should definitely run on a separate VM. Over the week (probably with one...

@brew mentions the CKAN [deadoralive](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-deadoralive) extension as another possible model to follow.

Thanks for checking that, @reubano — I've seen similar things in Drupal, etc, so I can imagine how it's set up. In any case, as a basic architectural principal, we...

Thank you very much for the info. I've updated the province, and reassigned the appropriate airports to it. https://ourairports.com/countries/MN/053/ Cheers, David -- David MEGGINSON (he/him) *Mobile:* +1-613-791-8553 *Skype:* david.megginson *TZ:*...