David M. Carr
David M. Carr
Submitted https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/18382
Cool. I'll take a look when I have a chance.
@philipp94831 I had a chance to take a look. Looks like progress in a good direction. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. My notes on how it looks like...
Hi! Thanks for the feature request. I'm not opposed to exploring ways to make this aspect of the plugin more configurable, but would like to consider if there are other...
Have you tried the approach that I mentioned in my previous comment? Does it work for you? What do you think that your envisioned feature would look like? How would...
Not seeing a problem with your config at first glance (not at a computer at the moment). I should have time to dig into it tonight and see if I...
@everest7 Based on your initial posting, I am assuming that: 1. You are interested in generating Avro Java classes based on Avro schema or protocol files in a directory other...
@everest7 Full sample project attached [gradle-avro-plugin-98.zip](https://github.com/davidmc24/gradle-avro-plugin/files/4335992/gradle-avro-plugin-98.zip)
Thank you for the issue report. A sample project with detailed reproduction steps would assist greatly with ensuring that we’re discussing the same behavior.
It seems possible that you are running into problems related to the behavior introduced by [AVRO-150](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-150). Specifically, in [SpecificCompiler](https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/bcad995f4a70fe756decb9023575e0027c1243c0/lang/java/compiler/src/main/java/org/apache/avro/compiler/specific/SpecificCompiler.java#L384), when asked to compile a schema to Java code, it checks...