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A narative browser-based voxel game that aims to introduce and teach javascript coding interactively.


A narative browser-based voxel game that aims to introduce and teach javascript coding interactively.

Playable Prototype

Try the prototype here.


This project requires node.js, grunt and a webgl-capable browser.

  1. If node.js is not installed, download and install it from the node.js website. This will also install npm.
  2. If grunt is not installed, install grunt with npm install -g grunt-cli (this may need sudo permission).
  3. Clone this repository and navigate to the repository root directory.
  4. Download all the dependencies by running npm install
  5. Compile the game by running grunt
  6. Run the game by opening datum-wills.html (*see note)

*Note: this has only been tested with Google Chrome Version 24.0.1312.69 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. With my setup it is necessary to run Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files flag. e.g. I might run

google-chrome datum-wills.html --allow-file-access-from-files


At the time of writing, only a small part of the first chapter of the story has been implemented. There are currently 4 chapters planned, each with several code-writing challenges. You can read the story on the wiki.