datum-and-wills copied to clipboard
A narative browser-based voxel game that aims to introduce and teach javascript coding interactively.
A narative browser-based voxel game that aims to introduce and teach javascript coding interactively.
Playable Prototype
This project requires node.js, grunt and a webgl-capable browser.
- If node.js is not installed, download and install it from the node.js website. This will also install npm.
- If grunt is not installed, install grunt with
npm install -g grunt-cli
(this may need sudo permission). - Clone this repository and navigate to the repository root directory.
- Download all the dependencies by running
npm install
- Compile the game by running
- Run the game by opening datum-wills.html (*see note)
*Note: this has only been tested with Google Chrome Version 24.0.1312.69 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. With my setup it is necessary to run Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files
flag. e.g. I might run
google-chrome datum-wills.html --allow-file-access-from-files
At the time of writing, only a small part of the first chapter of the story has been implemented. There are currently 4 chapters planned, each with several code-writing challenges. You can read the story on the wiki.