ogar-feeder-bot copied to clipboard
Singa bots on private server?
hello i found this script on greasyfork for singa bots and i was wondering how could I use the bots on my private server? heres the link to the script im trying to use https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/22654-singa-extension the only problem im having is that when i try to go to my private server using agar.io/?ip= it redirects me agar.io/singaclan.tk? then i cant connect to it at all. im trying to use this on server multi ogar server but i cant because it wont let me connect :( can anyone tell me how to make it connect to my server?
These are robots vanilla, were good, which are not compatible with MultiOgar or any other Ogre
but how edit?
What you could do is make the script work for the private server but don't think the bots will work On the tampermonkey script you should see something simillar to this:
// @match .agar.io/ That basically means that the script should be working for agar.io to make the script show up on the private server, You'd have to add another // @match underneath the existing one // @match .agar.io/?ip+IPHere/ Keep in mind that the script won't give bots but you'll have the script working for private server to make it give you 2 bots, You'd have to do what @MasonBurdette Suggested
lol you are making it too complicated @ImHITMan
Just do
// @match http://agar.io/*
nevermind found working bots on multiogar! but thanks anyway!