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Kubernetes Utility / Helper Scripts
This repo is a collection of small bash scripts oriented primarily to assist with Kubernetes production support, although they can certainly be used in non-prod environments as well.
Add to PATH
Add the cloned copy of this repo directly to your PATH via .bash_profile
, .profile
, .bashrc
, or equivalent.
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/k8s-utils"
Note: currently these scripts have only been tested on OSX.
Create script to define your k8s envs
It's necessary to create a script at ~/.kube/k8s-utils-config.sh
which will define the <env>
param values used below. This will detail the k8s config file(s) and namespaces specific to your k8s environment.
A sample script is provided which can be copied to your ~/.kube
cp EXAMPLE-k8s-utils-config.sh ~/.kube/k8s-utils-config.sh
It will then need to be modified to reflect your config file and namespace setup.
General notes
Grepping pod names
A number of these scripts use a parameter named pod_names_to_grep
. The convention here is that this will be passed to kubectl get pods | grep $pod_names_to_grep
As such, it's important to be specific enough to not pick up pods you weren't expecting. Alternatively, you can also provide an actual pod name to narrow the scope down to a single pod.
Typically pod_names_to_grep
will be the name of the service you're interested in.
Each command is env-specific
Beyond the general convenience aspect, a large intent of these scripts is to not have to set the kubectl context between commands. By just changing the <env>
param the same command can quickly be run against different envs. Additionally, I find it worthile to explicitly state what env each command is being executed against.
Usage: k8s <env> <cmd>
Env-specific shortcut for using
directly. -
k8s dev get pods
Usage: k8s-pods <env> <pod_names_to_grep>
This script is an alternative to using
kubectl get pods -w
. It uses thewatch
command and is useful to keep an eye on pods when doing a deploy, to see them move between Terminating, Pending, and Running statuses.- Note that
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment name> -w
can also be used to monitor a deploy, but the command is a bit more verbose and doesn't show the same level of detail. For instance, if you have multiple init containers this will let you see that the deploy is running into problems on container 2/4, for example.
- Note that
k8s-pods stage search-api
Example result:
Every 2.0s: kubectl --namespace=stage get pods | grep search-api search-api-1568909879-476vm 1/1 Running 0 1d search-api-1568909879-f2pdb 1/1 Running 0 1d search-api-1568909879-gzd9n 1/1 Running 0 1d
It can also be useful to quickly check the status of multiple pods across services, by using a less specific
Usage: k8s-tail <env> <pod_names_to_grep> <optional extra params>
Use this to tail the logs for a service in a given environment. If there are multiple pods running, it merges all of the logs together into a single output -- useful, but verbose.
Because all pod logs are merged into a single output stream, this is more useful for a quick look at a service as opposed to debugging specific issues.
k8s-tail qa catalog-api
k8s-tail production recommender-api --since=5m
It is also possible to pass a specific pod name for the grep value, which will be equivalent to doing
kubectl logs -f <pod_name>
. -
For a more full-featured tail script, see johanhaleby/kubetail.
Usage: k8s-pod-errors <env> <pod_names_to_grep> <optional --since= value>
This script will grep for case-insentitive "error" lines in the logs of the pods in the given service, by default over the last 5 minutes. If a service is alerting, this is useful to help determine if one pod is acting as an outlier or if all pods are reporting similar error levels and any problem is service-wide.
k8s-pod-errors production recommender-api
Example result:
pod = recommender-api-1966416721-dl4k3, error count = 178 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-kdc3g, error count = 212 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-wsjn4, error count = 153
Example result of an outlier pod:
pod = recommender-api-1966416721-0dyv3, error count = 8 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-7li0w, error count = 9843 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-mmgna, error count = 9 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-q6us9, error count = 9 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-vqz9h, error count = 11 pod = recommender-api-1966416721-yyd5s, error count = 4
Example of changing the --since= window:
k8s-pod-errors dev recommender-api 1h
Usage: k8s-pod-grep <env> <pod_names_to_grep> <grep_string> <optional --since= value>
This script is similar to
but instead of doing a hard codedgrep -i error
this script allows the user to input the string param to grep. (Again, by default over the last 5 minutes.) This can be useful to drill into specific errors or other behaviors when there's a concern it may not be consistently happening across all pods for the given service. -
k8s-pod-grep production customer-api "Read timed out"
pod = customer-api-1966416721-dl4k3, grep count = 0 pod = customer-api-1966416721-kdc3g, grep count = 4 pod = customer-api-1966416721-wsjn4, grep count = 5
Example of changing the --since= window:
k8s-pod-grep qa customer-api 30m
Usage: k8s-top-pods <env> <pod_names_to_grep>
Use this to look at CPU and memory consumption at the pod/container level. It calls
kubectl top pod <pod_name> --containers
on each pod found. -
k8s-top-pods production order-api
POD NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) order-api-2838787885-dnp5q order-api 2m 1496Mi POD NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) order-api-2838787885-22n13 order-api 8m 1507Mi POD NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) order-api-2838787885-7dcq8 order-api 5m 1554Mi
Note: requires your cluster is running Heapster.
Usage: k8s-top-nodes <env>
Use this to look at CPU and memory consumption at the node level. It calls
kubectl top node
on each node in the cluster related to the given environment. -
k8s-top-nodes production
NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-172-00-000-000.us-west-2.compute.internal 417m 2% 23407Mi 36% NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-172-11-111-111.us-west-2.compute.internal 781m 4% 25774Mi 40% NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY% ip-172-22-222-222.us-west-2.compute.internal 533m 3% 34249Mi 53%
Note: requires your cluster is running Heapster.
Usage: k8s-describe-nodes <env>
Use this to pull information on the nodes in a given environment. Note that this is not too different from simply running
kubectl describe node
on all nodes in the cluster, but it attempts to clean up and minimize the output in order to focus on finding nodes that are out of disk space and/or have over-provisioned CPU and/or RAM. -
k8s-describe-nodes production
Example result:
node = ip-172-11-11-1.us-west-2.compute.internal ------------------------------------------------ Conditions: Type Status LastHeartbeatTime LastTransitionTime Reason Message ---- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------ ------- OutOfDisk False Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:56:56 -0700 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 17:55:09 -0700 KubeletHasSufficientDisk kubelet has sufficient disk space available MemoryPressure False Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:56:56 -0700 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 17:55:09 -0700 KubeletHasSufficientMemory kubelet has sufficient memory available DiskPressure False Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:56:56 -0700 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 17:55:09 -0700 KubeletHasNoDiskPressure kubelet has no disk pressure Ready True Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:56:56 -0700 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 17:55:20 -0700 KubeletReady kubelet is posting ready status -- Allocated resources: (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.) CPU Requests CPU Limits Memory Requests Memory Limits ------------ ---------- --------------- ------------- 8510m (53%) 7566m (47%) 20477Mi (31%) 19325Mi (30%) Events: <none>
Usage: k8s-port-forward <env> <pod_name_to_grep> <local_port:pod_port>
This script is a minor convenience over using
kubectl port-forward
directly, in that it's not necessary to specify the specific pod to port forward from. Instead it forwards from the first pod matching the given grep string. -
k8s-port-forward mk web 8080:8080
Example result:
port-forwarding from pod concourse-minikube-web-5b66ffbc6-cjgd7 Forwarding from -> 8080 Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080 Handling connection for 8080 ...