David J. M. Karlsen

Results 99 issues of David J. M. Karlsen

``` 2019-07-30 15:55:35.319 INFO --- [ main] com.jcabi.http.request.BaseRequest : #fetch(GET myghehost /api/v3/users): [200 OK] in 1s 2019-07-30 15:55:35.568 INFO --- [ main] com.jcabi.http.request.BaseRequest : #fetch(GET myghehost /api/v3/users/1): [404 Not Found]...

after upgrade to [*], I see: [*] ``` flux: v0.27.0 helm-controller: v0.17.0 image-automation-controller: v0.20.0 image-reflector-controller: v0.16.0 kustomize-controller: v0.21.0 notification-controller: v0.22.0 source-controller: v0.21.2 ``` ``` k describe rs source-controller-69bfb4649c|tail -2 Warning...


Can you provide an templated dashboard at grafana.net for the exporter? It's better to have them there, rather than having to hand-roll yourself each time.

It would be handy if the action could also have a flag `install_cli: true|false, default false` in order to install the latest cli on self-hosted runners. Related https://github.com/aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials/issues/113


**What steps did you take and what happened:** Created a pvc, which got formatted and mounted just fine. Then booted the machine, after bootup the volume is not to be...

**What steps did you take and what happened:** We had an issue where we replaced the lvmvolume CRDs. Previosly we checked in the CRDs alongside the helm-chart, after the change,...

help wanted

**What steps did you take and what happened:** ``` ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedScheduling 6m2s default-scheduler running PreBind plugin "VolumeBinding": binding volumes: selectedNode annotation reset for PVC "elasticsearch-elasticsearch-cdm-4qo1qel7-1" Normal Scheduled...


**Describe the problem/challenge you have** after editing pvc, I see ``` Conditions: Type Status LastProbeTime LastTransitionTime Reason Message ---- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------ ------- FileSystemResizePending True Mon, 01 Jan 0001...

**What steps did you take and what happened:** scanner started ``` Defaulted container "kube-scheduler" out of: kube-scheduler, kube-scheduler-cert-syncer, kube-scheduler-recovery-controller, wait-for-host-port, d7a8c404-d3a7-4f3b-b746-8a99b515857f (init) 2022-08-03T14:36:09.852Z FATAL image scan error: scan error: unable...


Thanks for this great tool! It would be awesome if it could merge it's content into an existing README w/o overwriting the contents - a bit similar to how [terraform-docs](https://github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs)...
