David Joffe
David Joffe
One thought, I think when we localize we should try divide strings into something like two main subsections, which could live in slightly different place, maybe even different repos: (1)...
Copying and pasting some 'thinking out loud' comments of mine here from another thread below: (Technically: The current main 8x8 game font doesn't support e.g. French diacritics, as it's an...
I know translation is a lot of work, especially if you want to do it well, but while I am happy to do any coding changes unfortunately (though I speak...
**If anyone is interested in helping localize/translate this game into any language please let me know here?**
For languages like Arabic we'd likely need to use TTF ultimately for the complex text shaping ... but to start with we could potentially have a mix of approaches in...
Small note specifically regarding Arabic support: The game's new libsdl-ttf code I've added in the 'development branch' (i.e. djUNICODE_SUPPORT and/or djUNICODE_TTF config.h preprocessor config.h options) supports Arabic in the 'feature...
Awesome! That's exciting to hear .. I need to do a little work on the coding side but keen to do that hopefully by/during this weekend. Not 100% sure yet...
Unfortunately not going to be quite ready this weekend :/ - but should be soon!
@jmfergeau Sorry for delay, have been busy but have made progress on this and almost ready to have an actual French Dave Gnukem, are you still possibly available and interested...
Doing a bit more work on it here and got this proof-of-concept basic main menu translation working :) : ### NB **warning the below screenshots are "Proof of Concept AI-done...