david g.

Results 115 issues of david g.

# Issue template You can donate or became a sponsor [https://opencollective.com/react-google-maps-api#category-CONTRIBUTE](https://opencollective.com/react-google-maps-api#category-CONTRIBUTE) If you want to ask question, please ask it in Github Discussions, [Spectrum.chat](https://spectrum.chat/react-google-maps) or [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/react-google-maps-api/shared_invite/enQtODc5ODU1NTY5MzQ4LTBiNTYzZmY1YmVjYzJhZThkMGU0YzUwZjJkNGJmYjk4YjQyYjZhMDk2YThlZGEzNDc0M2RhNjBmMWE4ZTJiMjQ) Please do not...

## Required Information * [X] ACS AEM Commons Version: 6.0.8 * [X] Reproducible on Latest? yes ### Expected Behavior Build builds. ### Actual Behavior Build fails due to guava-31.1-jre.jar: CVE-2023-2976(6.2)...

## Feature Request Can we document how someone would enable the user of Sling's AlternateLanguageExtensionProvider [1] in AEM? 1. Is this supported by the AEM use of Sling Sitemaps at...

## Description Fixes #1110 ## Related Issue ## Motivation and Context ## How Has This Been Tested? ## Screenshots (if appropriate): ## Types of changes - [ ] Bug fix...
