youtube_desktop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
youtube_desktop copied to clipboard

Why isn't there a Linux version?

Open sikenali opened this issue 7 years ago • 7 comments

Why isn't there a Linux version?

sikenali avatar Aug 29 '17 07:08 sikenali

@jingle0927 we were trying to limit the scope initially. We didn't know what we were doing, but it seems like adding a linux version do not add too much additional work, once we complete, we will be sure to add it. Just that no one really had time lately to work this. 😞

davidhu2000 avatar Dec 27 '17 15:12 davidhu2000


alekksander avatar Feb 23 '18 12:02 alekksander

hell man, we are people too. Just ask for help, the most popular OS for dev, need to suffer with this....

insign avatar Mar 04 '18 23:03 insign

The app can be built easily using the package.json scripts (npm run dist, npm run build, etc)

tilda avatar Mar 14 '18 01:03 tilda

Looks like there will be linux version. electron-builder to the rescue.

davidhu2000 avatar Mar 19 '18 06:03 davidhu2000

Sorry for bumping a sorta old issue, but is there any update on this?

tilda avatar Apr 26 '18 01:04 tilda

there is a more simple app it is not made by hand it is only a desktop wrapper for the original youtube web sources and works fine on linux, it already has the .tar.gz package of the app in the download section. Regards.

eriknyk avatar Jan 21 '21 16:01 eriknyk