Dave H
Dave H
Great work on the new functions converting NAs to levels/values! This is subjective, but I wonder if the functions would be better named in a more concise way for better...
Brilliant package btw. So useful. Be great to have on CRAN
Why? * Conceptual consistency * Allow a light colour for use of fill e.g. super light grey - and then add `mapping = aes(colour = blah)`
``` r library(tidyverse) library(ggblanket) library(palmerpenguins) #ensure the size legend key is black set_blanket(geom_colour = lightness[1]) gapminder::gapminder |> filter(year > 2000) |> gg_point( x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, col =...
### 10. Centre a diverging colour scale Sometimes you need to centre a diverging colour scale. ```{r} mpg |> mutate(centred = cty - mean(cty)) |> select(displ, hwy, centred) %>% gg_point(...
Currrently, the margin of the margin in legend text for colourbar/coloursteps is added in a guide function in `gg_blanket`. It should ideally be instead in the `*_mode_*` functions However, ggplot2...
Provide a way to reset back to ggplot defaults. The function would be used if people want to return in a script to ggplot2 code completely unaffected by ggblanket. This...