Dave H
Dave H
In label_date_short, can all days, months and years be lined up (regardless of the vjust selected)?
`scale_date_short` would look better if all the date labels of the same level lined up. So in the example below, the "Oct" and "Apr" labels would be in line with...
theme(strip.placement = "outside") + theme(strip.switch.pad.grid = unit(7.5, "pt")) + theme(strip.switch.pad.wrap = unit(7.5, "pt"))
Instead of copying and pasting for each function, each function should source from internal functions
For {ggblanket} 1.2.0, just remove size arg, so that size/linewidth can be accessed by `...` without causing problems For future {ggblanket} version once {ggplot2} 3.4.0 released: * Add linewidth param...