feudal_networks copied to clipboard
Could you explain how to run it?
when i run it by typing train.py, i got this:
Executing the following commands: mkdir -p /tmp/pong echo /usr/bin/python train.py > /tmp/pong/cmd.sh kill $( lsof -i:12345 -t ) > /dev/null 2>&1 kill $( lsof -i:12222-12223 -t ) > /dev/null 2>&1 tmux kill-session -t a3c tmux new-session -s a3c -n ps -d bash tmux new-window -t a3c -n w-0 bash tmux new-window -t a3c -n tb bash tmux new-window -t a3c -n htop bash sleep 1 tmux send-keys -t a3c:ps 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= /usr/bin/python worker.py --log-dir /tmp/pong --env-id PongDeterministic-v4 --num-workers 1 --job-name ps' Enter tmux send-keys -t a3c:w-0 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= /usr/bin/python worker.py --log-dir /tmp/pong --env-id PongDeterministic-v4 --num-workers 1 --job-name worker --task 0 --remotes 1 --policy lstm' Enter tmux send-keys -t a3c:tb 'tensorboard --logdir /tmp/pong --port 12345' Enter tmux send-keys -t a3c:htop htop Enter
Use tmux attach -t a3c
to watch process output
Use tmux kill-session -t a3c
to kill the job
Point your browser to http://localhost:12345 to see Tensorboard
I don't know how tmux works, but there is no error sign. What did do wrong?
If you have tmux installed, run the "tmux attach - a3c" command and you will drop into a tmux shell. Nothing's wrong, the code is running and if you enter "http://localhost:12345/" in your browser, you can see the progress
I am suffering from the same problem and I don't know what should I do.
It is not easy to install all dependencies. So I made an docker image. If you have docker environment, can try it using bellow command
sudo docker run -it -v "$(pwd)/log":/tmp cuspymd/feudal-networks