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A word processor which gets the hell out of your way and lets you get some work done.

Results 49 wordgrinder issues
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Wordgrinder crashes/gives error when trying to open (as in "Load document set...") a non-wg file: ``` Lua error: [string "src/lua/fileio.lua"]:615: attempt to call missing method 'close' of table [string "src/lua/fileio.lua"]:615...

Hi, according to the documentation there should be an option under global settings to increase the display font size, but it's not there now. My vision is pretty terrible so...

I just tried to compile and build dev release source code, But so far it wasn't successful. It's what I receive: ``` [3/236] MULTIBIN src/lua+luacode FAILED: .obj/src/lua+luacode/script_table.h mkdir -p .obj/src/lua+luacode...

Working within WSL on a windows machine. Getting the following error: Something went wrong inside WordGrinder! I'll try and continue but you should │ Wel │ save your work immediately...

Long-time user (albeit off and on), so definitely happy to see mac support! Unfortunately, can't get it to build. To preface: I've installed the *listed* dependencies via homebrew as best...

When downloading for arch linux (`sudo pacman -S wordgrinder`) turning on the system spellchecker causes an error and all words are detected as mispelled.I believe this is because wordgrinder is...

First, let me say a HUGE thank you for Wordgrinder. It is pretty much exactly what I have been looking for. I am running on a Windows 11 PC and,...

xwordgrinder (on Linux) uses the keyboard shortcuts according to the US keyboard layout. So on my french (AZERTY) keyboard the shortcut to quit is ^A, the undo is ^W etc....

In the development version, misspelt words appear to never be shown, even with the option enabled.