react-native-arcgis-mapview copied to clipboard
Android support?
Hi, I want to implement esri maps in my react native project, so just wanted to know if this will support android as well for the basic functionality?
Can i get a working example of how to use this library? I tried it on Android simulator, it is just blank No error also.
even am facing similar issue. theres is no error its loading below screen
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. Work has been quite hectic. I'll look into this. I'll get back to you guys soon. Edit: Here's a sample implementation of the map.
<ArcGISMapView ref={mapView => this.mapView = mapView} style={{width: 360, height: 500}}
initialMapCenter={[{latitude: 34.055561, longitude: -117.182602}]}
onLayerPress={ this.onLayerPress }
mapBasemap={ { type: 'normal' } }
Don't forget to set a license key and an initial region. That could be a reason you're getting a grey screen.
I have set the initial region as well. Is license key required for dev mode. As mentioned in the read me it says license key is required only for prod rite?
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. Work has been quite hectic. I'll look into this. I'll get back to you guys soon. Edit: Here's a sample implementation of the map.
<ArcGISMapView ref={mapView => this.mapView = mapView} style={{width: 360, height: 500}} initialMapCenter={[{latitude: 34.055561, longitude: -117.182602}]} recenterIfGraphicTapped={true} rotationEnabled={false} onLayerPress={ this.onLayerPress } onRoutingStatusUpdate={this.onRoutingStatusUpdate} mapBasemap={ { type: 'normal' } } onSingleTap={this.onSingleTap} />
Don't forget to set a license key and an initial region. That could be a reason you're getting a grey screen.
How do i use onSingleTap? Can i get the current map point on tap?
Anyone figure this out yet? iOS works great, but getting the same gray screen on Android. I have an initial region and license key set.
EDIT: Figured it out, my Android emulator did not have network access for some reason
@davidgalindo I tried your github react native arcgis code using the below url.
But end up getting this error. Can you look into this?
If someone successfully implemented ArcGIS map functionality using react-native, can you please share the code.
@Anujkumar12 below is the link for working example. you can download []
@rajashekar545 Thanks rajashekar for your help. I tried what you have mentioned above but still getting the same error.
what could be the issue according to you
Hi @Anujkumar12
I experience a similar issue, I believe this is related to the device's architecture. The Esri Android SDK just recently started supporting 64-bit architectures. In the above error message, it appears your device has arm64-v8a. Try upgrading the SDK to at least 100.5.0. See the references below for further information.
onSingleTap callback doesn't work for me. It just returns a synthetic event object, not the object written in docs. Does anybody know about this?
I'm getting this error when trying to start the app:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:mergeDebugAssets'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.4.0.
Required by:
project :app > project :react-native-arcgis-mapview
> Could not resolve com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.4.0.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
Someone knows how to fix it?
HI @OGVLFullstack
I fixed that error by upgrading to at least 100.5.0. I had to change the maven url to'
I ended up going with the most recent version in my dependencies: implementation 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.10.0'
One of those errors required me to change.
@Anujkumar12 below is the link for working example. you can download []
Works great in RN ver. 0.64.5. It would be useful if a link is placed on the readme page.
implementation 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.10.0'
@Anujkumar12 Did you find a solution for this? I am facing the same error